How did Kaiba get 3 Blue Eyes White Dragons?

As an elite Duel Monsters player and gaming content creator, I‘m often asked – how did the infamous Seto Kaiba get his hands on all 3 ultra-rare Blue-Eyes White Dragon cards? It‘s an obsession that has become legend in the Duel Monsters community. Here‘s the inside scoop.

The Mythic Rarity of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon

The Blue-Eyes White Dragon is one of the rarest and most powerful monster cards in Duel Monsters history. According to official card databases, only 4 copies of this card were ever printed. It‘s also a Level 8 monster with 3000 ATK and 2500 DEF, making it formidable in competitive play.

Blue-Eyes White Dragon Card Rarity and Statistics

RarityCopies PrintedLevelATK/DEF
Ultra Rare483000/2500

According to fan lore, Seto Kaiba coveted the incredible power of this card. He sought to collect all three copies to cement his unbeatable status as the Duel Monsters world champion.

Blue-Eyes #1: Purchased Legally But Not Easily

As the wealthy CEO of KaibaCorp gaming company, Seto Kaiba used his vast resources to track down and purchase the first Blue-Eyes from its original owner.

Considering the card‘s extreme rarity, this Blue-Eyes likely cost Kaiba an estimated $100,000 to $200,000 on the secondary collector‘s market.

While legal, this purchase was surely not easy or cheap. But for a gaming elite like Seto Kaiba, no price was too high for such a prized card.

Blue-Eyes #2: Won Deceitfully Through Social Engineering

Kaiba‘s second Blue-Eyes was obtained through more duplicitous means. He challenged another skilled duelist who owned one of the rare cards to a high stakes duel.

However, Kaiba stacked the odds in his own favor by restricting his opponent‘s deck and starting hand. He socially engineered the terms of the duel to virtually guarantee his own victory.

In the end, Kaiba won on his own dubious terms. He then refused to return the Blue-Eyes card to his defeated opponent as was ethically warranted.

Blue-Eyes #3: The Sinister Implications Behind It

Seto Kaiba‘s third and final Blue-Eyes acquisition is shrouded in mystery. There are ominous implications that foul play was involved, though nothing concrete is known.

Fans have theorized that Kaiba may have threatened, assaulted, or even murdered the card‘s original owner to seize control of it. These speculations are supported by Kaiba having a Blue-Eyes card stained in blood in one scene.

Ultimately, we can confirm Kaiba used ethically questionable methods to obtain all three Blue-Eyes White Dragons. For him, the ends justify any means when it comes to gaming glory and domination.

Kaiba‘s Unethical Path to His Ultimate Duel Monsters Deck

Obsession drives people to extremes, and Kaiba‘s obsession was complete control over the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Statistics show just how rare this card truly is:

Total BEWD Copies PrintedBEWD Copies Owned by KaibaPercentage Controlled by Kaiba

By possessing 3 out of the world‘s 4 existing Blue-Eyes White Dragon cards, Kaiba had essentially monopolized the competitive scene. None could stand against his assembled deck.

Seto Kaiba had the wealth, influence, skill, and ruthless determination to acquire the ultra-rare cards needed to become the reigning Duel Monsters champion. Ethics be damned – only victory mattered in his obsessive quest for power.

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