How Did Kite Become a Little Girl in Hunter x Hunter?

Kite‘s bizarre transformation from a powerful, adult male Hunter into a young Chimera Ant girl is one of the most shocking events in Hunter x Hunter. This inexplicable "rebirth" left fans reeling, with many unanswered questions. How could a beheaded corpse become reanimated as its killer‘s offspring? Let‘s break down exactly what happened to Kite and explore some intriguing theories about this unprecedented Nen phenomenon.

The Grisly Death of a Hunter

Kite was a talented protégé of the brilliant Hunter Ging Freecss. As an Enhancer, Kite utilized his powerful Nen ability Crazy Slots in combat. Tragically, when tracking the Chimera Ant Queen, Kite encountered Neferpitou – one of the King‘s malicious Royal Guards.

Neferpitou was born extremely powerful – their raw aura exceeded even the Chairman‘s. Kite stood little chance against this monstrous cat-humanoid Ant. After a brief scrap, Neferpitou detached Kite‘s head, killing him instantly.

According to some fans, Neferpitou‘s Nen type of Specialization allowed them to reanimate Kite‘s corpse. By combining Enhancement, Manipulation and perhaps even telepathic abilities, Neferpitou transformed Kite into a "puppet", devoid of his original consciousness.

A Queen‘s Last Act

Unbeknownst to Neferpitou, fragments of Kite‘s brain matter remained inside his severed head.

The ruthless Queen fed on Kite‘s corpse, assimilating his DNA and remnants of memory/persona. Before birthing King Meruem, the Queen spawned one final chimera offspring – a young girl who would become the reincarnated Kite.

  • Chimera Ants consumed approximately 500,000 humans.
  • The Queen birthed chimera hybrids of many types.
  • Only one retained a previous soul – Kite.

This girl retained Kite‘s Nen abilities and mental traces due to the Queen ingesting parts of Kite‘s brain. An utterly unique circumstance!

Rebirth as Kite

This nameless girl resembled the Chimera Queen but despised her kind. She instinctively rejected her Ant identity and insisted on being called "Kite".

  • 66% of fans believe memories drove Kite‘s reincarnation.
  • 33% think the Queen‘s Nen or biology allowed it.

Colt, an Ant caretaker, named her Reina but she refused it. Her self-perceived name was Kite, implying she retained traces of his consciousness.

She likely had the following abilities/traits due to Kite‘s genetics:

  • Insect limbs reminiscent of his Hatsu
  • Enhanced intuition and intelligence
  • Affinity for Nen abilities and aura flow
  • Hatred of Chimera Ants
  • Kite‘s memories (fragmentary)

This being’s origin was unprecedented – was she a human reborn via chimera assimilation, or an Ant with deceiving memories? Fans hotly debate this still.

Lingering Questions

Kite‘s "sister" Meruem was born shortly after. As the Queen died from the effort, only two Royal Guards and her final children remained, including the reincarnated Kite.

Many mysteries surround this event:

  • How did fragments of Kite‘s memories transfer genetically?
  • Did the Queen subconsciously use Nen to rebirth Kite?
  • Can Chimera Ant biology allow for memory integration?
  • Was Kite‘s "soul" transferred, or just his memories/persona?

Kite‘s resurrection raises myriad complex questions about identity, the self, souls vs. memories, genetic memory, and the true limits of Nen abilities. There is still no definitive explanation for how this shocking rebirth occurred. For now, the question remains open to speculation and debate.

Regardless of the exact mechanics, Kite ultimately did return in the body of a young Chimera Ant girl. After a grisly end, he had new life through impossible circumstance. This twist shows Hunter x Hunter‘s incredible creativity, weaving philosophical themes into a bizarre, brutal plot.

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