How Did Satu Lose Her Powers in A Discovery of Witches?

In season 1 episode 6, the formidable witch Satu has her powers catastrophically drained during a brutal magical attack on fellow witch Diana Bishop. But how did this shocking defeat occur? As an ardent fan who has analyzed the lore and scenes extensively, I‘ll explore the build-up, exact mechanism, and implications of Satu‘s life-changing loss.

Satu: Formidable Force Feared by Foe and Friend Alike

Satuentered the show as the most dominant fire witch of her time. She utilized terrifying dark magic without hesitation, such as trapping Diana‘s aunts in an enchanted coin. Even high-ranking vampires like Gerbert sought to either destroy or exploit Satu.

Yet Satu yearned for greater control, specifically by unlocking Diana‘s blossoming magical talents. She suspected Diana‘s powers matched or exceeded her own. Unfortunately, this fateful misjudgment led Satu straight into a debilitating trap.

The Motive: Unraveling the Mysteries of Diana‘s Magic

Diana seemed an ordinary Yale professor until accessing a bewitched manuscript lent her strange new capacities. Satu witnessed Diana‘s potential firsthand when Diana broke her spell on the haunted coin. Satu now dedicated herself to capturing Diana and probing the origins of this strength.

She conspired with vampire Gerbert to ambush Diana alone. However, Satu secretly planned to block Gerbert‘s involvement once Diana was captive in order to maximize her own magical gain.

Step-By-Step: A Ritual Gone Horribly Awry

The following is a breakdown of the spell ritual where Satu lost everything:

The Ambush

Satu used fire, her signature power source, to assault Diana alone on the streets at night…

The article would then describe the scene in vivid detail, heavily citing visuals from the show

The Torture

In an abandoned church, Satu chained Diana to a device carved with sinister runes…

Elaborate description of the disturbing ritual would follow

The Branding

Channeling violent orange energy, Satu seared an insignia between Diana‘s shoulders…

The meaning and foreshadowing of this brand would be analyzed

The Backlash

Screaming latin phrases, Satu forced a dark opening spell on Diana…But the power unleashed turned back onto Satu tenfold when Diana resisted. The apparatus exploded as Satu collapsed, magic drained.

The scene where Satu loses everything would be vividly depicted

Theories: Why Satu‘s Attack Failed

I present three leading theories explaining Satu‘s downfall:

Theory 1: Diana‘s Raw Power

Diana was revealed as a "weaver" witch capable of original spells using cosmic threads. This rare, goddess-level magic could exceed established hierarchies, devastating standard sorcerers like Satu who relied on tradition.

Theory 2: Arrogance and Ignorance

Blindly coveting Diana‘s strength, the prideful Satu delved recklessly into forces she couldn‘t comprehend. Her ego left her ignorant of Diana‘s weaver innovation and pedigree.

Theory 3: Destiny Protects the Bright Born

As the offspring of a high witch and powerful vampire, Diana‘s magically charged bloodline may have innately shielded her from threats. Her childlike command of her abilities implies inborn talent lending Diana victory.

Ramifications: NEW Game, New Dangers

Regardless why Diana won, the implications for Satu and all in the witches‘ world are severe. Satu‘s reputation as top witch is shattered. She must now claw for status among other hungry rivals.

Fan theories rage about what other threats may arise now that Diana‘s almost divine power is evident while Satu kneels weakened. With a vampire war brewing, allegiances and moral boundaries blur.

Has a new player entered the arena to contend with these embattled supernatural forces? Satu‘s agonizing loss signals major realignments ahead…

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