How did Zavala lose his ghost? A sniper took out his companion during the Red War

As revealed in Destiny 2 campaign missions, Commander Zavala had his trusty ghost companion Targe disabled by a sniper rifle enhanced with Dominus Ghaul‘s sinister light-caging tech. This attack occurred during the Red War campaign when the imposing leader of the Red Legion invaded and temporarily suppressed Guardian resurrection ability.

The Sneak Attack That Disabled Zavala‘s Ghost

Based on lore entries from Bungie, Zavala was with deputy commander Sloane on Titan when their fleet was ambushed by Red Legion warships. Caught off guard, the Vanguard leaders could only watch in horror as waves of drop pods delivered elite legionnaires and centurions into the New Pacific Arcology.

Outnumbered but determined to protect the innocent civilians huddled within, Zavala coordinated brave counterattacks. But during a bold strike on an enemy encampment, disaster struck. Here‘s a chilling excerpt from "Abide the Return":

"Zavala turned a corner and entered a small atrium. Halfway across the empty space, Targe shrieked. Zavala blinked forward as a wire rifle shot sizzled past his head. His ghost crashed to the ground behind him, intact but offline."

So Targe was hit by a stealth vandal sniper using a vicious wire rifle enhanced by Ghaul‘s cage tech specifically designed to neutralize ghosts. Zavala narrowly avoided a second bullet – but with Targe disabled, he lost his immortality and ability to channel Light. A grievous blow, but as we‘ll see, Zavala recovered to fight on.

Zavala‘s Embodiment of the Titan Virtues

As Vanguard commander, Zavala shoulders tremendous responsibility – to protect the Last City and provide unwavering leadership. When Ghaul caged the Traveler and severed the Light, Zavala faced his greatest crisis since the devastating Battle of Six Fronts.

And yet through inner resolve and sheer force of will, he clung onto hope and remained a pillar of strength for his people. Zavala embodied the Titan code – being that shield so others might live on.

"How did this happen?" he whispered.

A moment passed. Another. Memory solidified. Purpose returned. The dead would remain dead. The lives that remained must carry on.

He coordinated the Vanguard‘s war efforts and inspired Guardians and civilians alike. While he privately grieved losses, Zavala focused his mighty Striker Light into rallying the Counterattack. Through his unbreakable determination, the Last City endured until the Light returned.

If not for Zavala‘s peerless leadership, Ghaul might truly have achieved "victory well-earned" over humanity.

The Current State of Zavala‘s Ghost Targe

Zavala‘s sturdy ghost Targe has faithfully served as his companion for centuries of tireless duty. While no footage exists of Zavala first discovering young Targe long ago, we know the Commander entrusts his ghost with backing up his entire consciousness.

So when Targe crashed down in that abandoned atrium, Zavala raced to his aid, defensive Barrier shielding the ghost from incoming fire. Once the Red War ended and the Traveler‘s Light returned, Targe‘s systems rebooted back to functionality.

Now with Red Legion remnants defeated, Targe hovers steadfastly over Zavala‘s shoulder as he oversees City rebuilding efforts and the rise of new Lightbearers. Together, this steadfast duo stand ready to confront whatever new threats emerge. For as Zavala and Targe have proven time again: the fight goes ever onward.

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