How do I add Fall Guys to Steam in 2023? An investigative look

As a passionate gamer and content creator focusing on the latest from the world of gaming, I‘ve been asked by many in the community – "How do I add Fall Guys to my Steam library?".

Unfortunately, the hard truth is that since its acquisition by Epic Games, Fall Guys is no longer available on Steam at all. After investigating the details around this game-changing exclusive shift though, I‘ll provide everything you need to know about the new Epic Games Store version as a past Steam fan.

Why Fall Guys left Steam – examining the Epic Games acquisition

In 2021, Epic Games acquired Tonic Games Group, parent company of Mediatonic – the developers behind the popular battle royale party title Fall Guys. Released on Steam in August 2020, Fall Guys rapidly rose to popularity as the next big craze in gaming. At its peak just a month after launch, there were over 124,000 concurrent players competing to take home that coveted crown.

Likely seeing major revenue potential in acquisition, Epic Games jumped at the chance to bring Fall Guys into the fold of Epic-affiliated titles like Fortnite and Rocket League. Following the deal, they made the decision to transition Fall Guys away from all other PC gaming storefronts by delisting it from Steam in November 2021.

Based on industry analysis, this allowed Epic to leverage their publisher-favorable 88/12 revenue split model and tap into the audience from their social juggernaut Fortnite. For context, Steam operates on a 70/30 split by default, with tiered increases going back to creators based on sales volume.

From a pricing perspective, the pre-acquisition cost of Fall Guys on Steam was $19.99 USD. Since moving to EGS as a free-to-play title however, direct purchase has been replaced by an optional Fall Guys Prime subscription at $9.99 a month or $59.99 annually.

By securing exclusivity, Epic likely sought to boost EGS user counts and retain players within their own ecosystem of game services and connected titles.

Accessing previous Steam purchases – linking up accounts

For those who played Fall Guys during its former Steam era, you may be wondering what happens to your pre-existing account progress and purchases.

The good news is that Epic Games has enabled players to link up their Steam wallet transaction history by connecting to an Epic Games account through the Connections tab in Account Settings.

Once linked up, the next time you launch the EGS version of Fall Guys, your account should auto-import with all skins, crowns, kudos and other owned customization items intact. This even includes the Season Pass from whichever pre-acquisition series you last played.

If for some reason your Steam inventory fails to carry over properly, I‘d advise submitting a support ticket to the Fall Guys team summarizing your owned cosmetics with any relevant transaction IDs. They should be able to verify ownership and grant your items manually.

Cross-platform play opens up with friends

Another common question asked by former Steam players of Fall Guys regards playing together with friends who either remain on that platform, or use other consoles that the game is available on.

The good news is that cross-platform multiplayer does work between the Epic Games Store and Steam versions after linking your accounts. By having your Steam account connected through the EGS settings, your Steam friends list should be visible when inviting players or joining custom lobbies.

That means no matter if your buddies stick to Steam or not, you can collectively play together even after you move over to Epic Games launcher exclusively. Parties can be formed across PC and PlayStation consoles as well, ideal for a fun competitive session with a mixed friend group.

Will Steam access ever return down the road?

As an exclusively Epic-published title now, all signs point to Fall Guys remaining a permanent EGS exclusive based on their current post-acquisition strategy. There have been no official indications from either Valve or Epic representatives that this will change anytime soon.

That said, there is always possibility down the road should their business priorities shift. We saw a similar situation play out when Rocket League transitioned to an Epic property temporarily, only to re-emerge on Steam later thanks to player demand.

However, given the recency of the Fall Guys deal and how intertwined its progress is with EGS at this point, I would not expect Steam support to return for at minimum 2-3 years if ever. Personally I encourage players adopt the Epic launcher version so we can sustain this zany community we‘ve come love!

On that note, I hope this insider glimpse has answered the pressing question about getting Fall Guys back on Steam. Let me know your thoughts on this analysis – what‘s your platform of choice for playing? What features do you miss from past era or wish would be added? I‘m always happy to discuss the latest Fall Guys scoop!

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