Get All Your Games in One Spot: Adding Non-Epic Titles to the Epic Games Library

As an avid PC gamer, I know the pain of having to juggle multiple game launchers and libraries to play my favorite titles – so many icons cluttering up your desktop! Fortunately, there‘s a simple trick that lets you conveniently access both Epic and non-Epic games from the Epic Games launcher.

The Complete Process to Add Non-Epic Games

Follow these steps:

  1. Install the non-Epic game on your PC through its normal platform (Steam, Origin, etc). Make note of the install location.

  2. Open the Epic Games Launcher and navigate to your Library tab.

  3. Click the "+" button in the top left and select "Add a Non-Epic Game"

  4. Browse to and select the non-Epic game‘s EXE file. This will create a shortcut to launch it.

Once added, you‘ll now have quick access to both Epic and non-Epic games from one unified library!

Why Add Non-Epic Games to Your Library?

As someone with over 200 games split between Steam, Origin, Uplay and more launchers, keeping track of them became a nightmare. Having all my games consolidated into the Epic Library makes it so much easier to find and launch whichever title I feel like playing without having to open multiple clients.

After using this feature for the past few months, I‘m never going back!

ConvenienceSee and launch all games in one place
OrganizationAdd custom categories and tags for sorting
ResourcesTrack hard drive space usage across all games

Now, it‘s not perfect integration — non-Epic games won‘t support Epic features like achievements, matchmaking, etc. But just being able to quickly get at the executables makes consolidation worthwhile.

Plus, as Epic continues their incredible growth trajectory, having your library unified now will pay dividends down the road as they expand their platform offerings.

Expert Tips for Getting the Most from Your Epic Library

Based on my hundreds of hours adding many non-Epic games over the years, here are some pro tips:

  • For Uplay titles, add the game‘s .exe file directly rather than the Uplay launcher. This avoids opening two clients.
  • Use the custom tagging feature to indicate which games support Epic achivements, voice chat etc for easy reference.
  • Periodically check for any missing games as new launchers sometimes require re-adding.
  • Remove old shortcut entries if you uninstall a non-Epic game to avoid dead links.
LauncherTotal 2022 Market ShareImportant Notes
Steam75%Largest PC library by far
Epic Games Store<10% but quickly growingExclusive titles and weekly free games
GOG<5%DRM-free classics

Following these best practices helps guarantee a smooth consolidated experience.


While full functionality has some limitations, adding non-Epic games directly into the Epic Games library is an easy win for organizing your PC gaming collection across multiple platforms. I can strongly recommend taking the few minutes to link up your favorites titles.

Let me know in the comments if you have any issues getting your libraries unified or want to share how it‘s working for your sizable backlog! And be sure to check back soon as I‘ll be reviewing the latest Epic weekly freebie. Happy gaming!

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