How to Allow Your Child to Play Fortnite on PS5

As a fellow gamer and parent, I totally get the appeal of Fortnite. It‘s fun, social, and incredibly popular among tweens and teens. However, the game‘s violence and potential for addiction definitely warrant caution.

The good news is PS5 offers excellent parental controls to help kids game safely. Used responsibly alongside open conversations about game content, Fortnite can be an enjoyable family activity.

Enabling PS5 Parental Controls

Sony allows granular control over gaming activities through Settings > Family and Parental Controls. Here are the key options:

Restrict Access by Age Rating

You can block games entirely based on rating. Fortnite carries a T for Teen, but use your own judgment:

Rating System   Typical Age
EC             3+ 
E              6+
E10+           10+
T              13+
M              17+
AO             18+
  • Many parents choose to block M and AO games.

Set Play Time Limits

Define daily or weekly caps on play for each child profile.

  • Research suggests 1-2 hours of gaming per day as reasonable for teens.

Limit Spending

Disable in-game purchases or require wallet passcode for each transaction.

  • Fortnite offers optional "V-Bucks" used to unlock cosmetic upgrades.

Chat and Content Sharing

Control messaging and content sharing between players for safety.

Maturity Level Considerations

Fortnite‘s manufacturer Epic Games rates it T for Teen based on fantasy violence. No blood or gore. As the parent, gauge your child‘s individual maturity.

  • In 2019, a study found over 40% of Fortnite players were 10-25 years old. Peak popularity was 13-16 years old.
  • Child development experts consider age 12+ appropriate for many teens. However, those under 10 may still struggle with more realistic-looking violence.

See Common Sense Media‘s Fortnite Parents‘ Ultimate Guide for age recommendations.

Have Open Conversations

Discuss your concerns, ground rules, and what you consider appropriate in gaming. Ask your child to help educate you on game specifics.

  • What do they enjoy about the game? What don‘t they like?
  • Do they play with real-life friends or random online gamers? How do the interactions tend to go?
  • What type of content do they create and share?

Work together to foster trust and responsible gaming habits. Consider occasionally watching gameplay as well!

Signs of Problematic Gaming

While passion for gaming is perfectly healthy, be mindful of signs of addiction:

  • Failing school/angry outbursts over play time limits
  • Prioritizing gaming over friends/hobbies
  • Lying about time spent playing
  • Not wanting to do other activities
  • Withdrawing from family interactions

Address concerning symptoms seriously and with compassion. In some cases, speaking with a counselor can help.

Compare Parental Controls Across Platforms

While this article covers PS5 settings specifically, below is a comparison if your child plays on other devices too:

Platform     Rating Restrictions     Play Time Limits     Purchase Controls 
PS5            Yes                    Yes                       Yes
Xbox           Yes                    Yes                       Yes  
PC (Windows)   No                     Yes with 3rd party apps   Varies by game store 
Mobile          Varies by OS          Varies by app            Yes  
Nintendo Switch Yes                    No                        Yes

Additional parental guides available:

So in summary – with some reasonable guardrails in place, a bit of involvement on your part, and open communication, enjoying Fortnite as a family activity is totally doable. Have fun storming the island! Just be sure to establish some "ground rules" first.

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