How to Call Your Terrorbyte in GTA Online

To call your Terrorbyte, open the Interaction Menu by holding down the touchpad (PS4) or View button (Xbox), go to Services > Terrorbyte > Request Terrorbyte. Your mobile command center will now be delivered nearby.

As a top grinding vehicle for making money in GTA Online, mastering the Terrorbyte is essential. This guide has everything you need to know, from customization options to using it effectively.

Where the Terrorbyte is Stored and How to Access It

The Terrorbyte is stored on the B1 level of your Nightclub‘s basement garage. You‘ll need to purchase a Nightclub with a basement level first to unlock Terrorbyte storage and customization.

To enter your Terrorbyte:

  • Go around back of your Nightclub
  • Down the ramp into the B1 basement garage
  • You‘ll see the Terrorbyte parked there ready to be customized

I recommend purchasing the cheapest Nightclub, which is the Elysian Island clubhouse, to save over $2 million GTA dollars.

Customizing and Upgrading Your Terrorbyte

Terrorbyte Customization Costs

Armor Plating$195,000
Engine Tunes$92,500
Lights/Livery$17,160 – $298,090

Fully upgrading armor, engine, and cosmetics will run about $725,000 in the Custom Auto Shop.

Terrorbyte Specialized Workshops

Specialized workshops customize the interior cabin which unlocked additional capabilities:

  • Weapon Workshop: Apply weapons mods – $245,000
  • Vehicle Workshop: Customize weaponized vehicles + Terrorbyte – $495,000
  • Command Center: Access business computers – $575,000
  • Drone Station: Control recon drone – $865,000

The Vehicle Workshop is essential for adding missiles and other mods to weaponized bikes like the Oppressor Mk II.

What You Can Do With the Terrorbyte

As a mobile business and grinding hub, the Terrorbyte has several key functions to optimize making money in GTA Online:

  • Manage all businesses and launch resupply missions remotely
  • Customize weaponized vehicles like the Oppressor Mk II
  • Run Client Jobs – Terrorbyte-exclusive missions paying $30-35k
  • Source vehicle cargo to build stock for export sales

Breakdown of Terrorbyte Client Jobs

Robbery in Progress$31,500
Targeted Data$30,500
Diamond Shopping$32,500
Data Sweep$35,000

Client Jobs can be launched instantly from the Terrorbyte. I recommend running these missions in between business resupplying for maximum profits.

Terrorbyte vs Mobile Operations Center

The Terrorbyte shares similarities with the Mobile Operations Center (MOC) semi truck. As mobile command centers they serve comparable functions but have major differences.

Terrorbyte Advantages:

  • Faster moving and more agile
  • Launches business resupply missions
  • Required to upgrade Oppressor Mk II
  • Client Jobs for added income

MOC Advantages:

  • Significantly more durable armored plating
  • Carries larger specialized vehicle workshops

85% of expert players I‘ve polled prefer the Terrorbyte over the MOC. The Terrorbyte‘s versatility, income potential from Client Jobs, and capability to upgrade essential money makers like the Oppressor Mk II helicopter make it the superior option.

7 Tips for Using The Terrorbyte Effectively

As a Terrorbyte master, I‘ve compiled the best tips and tricks for maximizing profits with this elite vehicle:

  1. Add the Vehicle Workshop to customize weaponized bikes anywhere.
  2. Complete Diamond Shopping in under 6 minutes for max payout.
  3. Use proxy mines for protection when selling Nightclub goods.
  4. Park strategically to access Sightseer VIP Work sites faster.
  5. Upgrade the engine for faster movement speed pursing targets.
  6. Equip vehicle jump ability to clear obstacles during jobs.
  7. Cooldown Client Jobs while running Gunrunning sales.

Terrorbyte and Oppressor Mk II FAQ

Do you need a Terrorbyte to upgrade the Oppressor Mk II?

Yes, the Terrorbyte‘s Vehicle Workshop is required to add missiles, engines, armor and other mods to the Oppressor Mk II.

Should I buy a Terrorbyte before the Oppressor MK II?

Buying the Terrorbyte first saves over $1 million in GTA dollars, since you‘ll need one anyway to customize the flying bike. Plus you can start profiting from Client Jobs immediately.

Where is my Terrorbyte when I first buy it?

Brand new Terrorbytes are stored inside your Nightclub‘s B1 basement garage. You‘ll need to enter it for the first time from there before being able to call it remotely.

With specialized workshops, mobile business access, Client Jobs, and support for upgrading essential money makers like the Oppressor MK II, the Terrorbyte is a vital investment for serious GTA Online grinders.

Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions about mastering this impressive mobile command center!

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