How do i catch calixto

Hey fellow gamers! If you‘ve been tearing your hair out trying to catch Calixto in the infamous Blood on the Ice quest, this guide has got you covered.

According to extensive player testing on Reddit, Calixto will be standing creepily close to his victim but won‘t actually commit the crime if you rush to the scene. Sneaky move Calixto! To fix this, open up your console and type setstage MS11 130. This will update the quest and allow you to follow the quest marker right to the killer as he‘s about to strike. He won‘t flee – just calmly follow the arrow to catch him red-handed behind his stunned victim! Easy peasy.

The Case of the Butcher of Windhelm

Now I know this questline has stumped plenty of detective-gamers out there. So let‘s break down everything we know about tracking the elusive Butcher of Windhelm, uncovering his crimes and finally bringing him to justice!

Investigating the Serial Killer

When those first pamphlets start circulating about the dreaded Butcher stalking Windhelm‘s streets, tensions run high. As more victims turn up, no one feels safe. Luckily, answering the call is Y/N – the newest Thane and guardian of the people!

  • Grisly scenes showcase the Butcher‘s bloodlust
  • Cryptic journals and Strange Amulets found among victims‘ possessions
  • Incompetent guards outwitted at every turn

It‘s up to you and that sharp gamer‘s intuition to piece together the clues.

Conversations With Suspects

Now most players get hung up questioning Wuunferth the court mage. And that hot-headed Ulfric is all too ready to throw his court wizard under the carriage based on suspicion alone! As Thane, you‘ll need to tread carefully in interrogations to uncover deceptions while maintaining diplomatic relations. Remember, there‘s no reasoning someone out of an opinion they didn‘t reason themselves into (thanks Swift).

Calixto Corrium at the House of Curiosities

  • Fast-talking tour guide eager for your patronage
  • Willing to pay 500 gold for the Strange Amulet you uncovered
  • Hmm, protests a bit too much about his innocence if you press him

Wuunferth the Unliving

  • Bristly old mage but pays well for spell tomes
  • Has an alibi for one of the murders but still acting kinda suspicious
  • History of necromancy makes him seem like an easy scapegoat

There‘s more than meets the eye with these two! As any real detectives know, you need to examine the evidence thoroughly before judgment.

The Dramatic Confrontation

Patience pays off when the Butcher‘s next victim catches your attention. Follow the screams to the Stone Quarter and you‘ll catch the killer behind a stunned Arivanya, dagger raised! Your swift arrow/destruction spell/battle axe blow ends the threat for good. And whaddya know, it‘s your pal Calixto underneath that hood!

Motivations of a Murderer

In his final breaths, Calixto admits his schemes to resurrect his dead sister Lucilla. Fitting then that looting his body reveals the completed Necromancer‘s Amulet. By cutting down this deranged killer, you saved the city from further bloodshed. Nicely done! The grateful Jarl is glad to reward your heroics with gold and the deed to Hjerim manor.

Takeaways for Butcher Victories:

  • Trust your instincts if something seems off with NPC stories
  • Pickpocket and resell the Strange Amulet BEFORE confronting Wuunferth
  • Act quickly when the next victim scene triggers
  • Console commands fix quest glitches so Calixto appears as the killer

Hopefully that gives you everything you need to catch this creep! This was one of my favorite mysteries to unravel in Skyrim – right up there with the Forsworn Conspiracy in Markarth. Let me know if you have any other questions defeating baddies across Tamriel. Happy gaming!

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