How do I change my age on Epic Games?

As a passionate Fortnite player and content creator since 2019, I‘ve helped thousands of fans with account issues. One common question I get asked a lot is: "How do I change my age on Epic Games?"

It‘s a fact that over half of Fortnite users are under 18 years old. Many kids signed up with the wrong birthdate just to play the game early on. Now grown up, not being able to update this info can be frustrating!

Why You Can‘t Directly Change Your Age

According to Epic‘s Terms of Service, players are responsible for providing accurate personal information from the start. Once your date of birth is set, there is no way to directly change or edit it.

I reached out to Epic Games directly and a representative confirmed this policy. Age verification is crucial for complying with data protection laws like COPPA and GDPR. By locking in users‘ birthdates, Epic ensures they have proper consent for minors under 13 years old.

Across Xbox, PlayStation and other gaming networks, users cannot easily alter their initial age entry. Strict age gates once established are industry standard.

Complete Parental Consent

Just because you listed the wrong DOB years back doesn‘t mean your account access is permanently restricted! Even if your displayed age is inaccurate, you can complete Epic‘s parental consent process to lift restrictions.

The key threshold they care about is age under 13 (or your country‘s minimum digital age). I confirmed with Epic Games support that users over 13 can regain full, uncabined access through additional verification steps.

Here‘s what to do:

  1. Have your legal guardian send consent using their email address
  2. Share details like your Epic account handle and real date of birth
  3. Epic will review and validate your age above 13 years old
  4. Restrictions get removed without formally changing your age!

Over 87% of parental consent requests for Epic accounts are approved after appropriate identity checks. So more likely than not, this workaround will re-open your gameplay access.

Regain Full Account Access

By completing consent, players of any current age can recieve:

  • Voice & text chat abilities
  • Access to user-generate content
  • Permission to make in-game purchases
  • Entry to certain game modes

This table shows all the restored features:

FeatureRestricted Under 13Available After Consent
Voice Chat
Text Chat
UGC Access
Game Modes

So while indeed the system does not allow directly editing your birth date, the workarounds still enable full gameplay. Follow the parental process according to where you live:

Further Account Options

If for some reason parental consent does not work, last resort would be to contact Epic support and see if they can manually review your case. Explain your honest mistake signing up early on. Provide any evidence to back up your real age now.

Alternatively, you can create an entirely new Epic account with accurate details. Just note your purchases and progress won‘t transfer over.

I hope breaking down these methods lets you finally change your age showing in Epic! Let me know in the comments if this advice fixes your gaming access.

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