How Do I Change My EA Origin Password?

Changing or resetting your EA Origin password is a straightforward process that only takes a few minutes. Whether you‘ve simply forgotten your current password or want to enhance security with a new one, following these steps will allow you to easily update your credentials.

Forgot Your Password? Reset it in Minutes

If you find yourself unable to login to Origin because you can‘t recall your password, don‘t worry – resetting is quick and easy:

  1. Open your browser and go to the Origin login page at

  2. Click the "Forgot Password?" link under the password field

  3. Enter the email address your Origin account is registered under and click "Send Email"

  4. Check your email inbox for a password reset message from Electronic Arts

  5. In the email, click the provided "Reset Password" link

  6. When prompted, enter your desired new password, confirm it by typing it again, and click "Save"

After following these steps, your Origin password will be updated and you can use your new credentials to login on any platform.

Resetting a forgotten password only takes a minute or two. I‘ve needed to use this process in the past when I couldn‘t recall my login after taking an extended break from games like Apex Legends. As long as you have access to your registered email for that confirmation link, getting back into your account is seamless.

Intentional Password Changes for Added Security

If you already know your password but want to intentionally change it to something new, you can easily do this right from the Origin client:

  1. Launch the Origin app on your PC and login with your current credentials

  2. Click on your EA account name, displayed in the bottom left corner of the client

  3. Select "Change Password" from the account options list

  4. Enter your Current Password, then the New Password you want to switch to

  5. Retype your new password in the Confirm Password field

  6. Click the "Save" button once both new password fields match

After following these simple steps, your updated password will take effect immediately. You can use it to login to Origin on your PCs and mobile devices going forward.

I like to periodically cycle my gaming passwords every few months just to enhance security, even when there‘s no indication of unauthorized access. The peace of mind is worth taking 60 seconds to provide a fresh set of login credentials.

Why Updating Passwords Matters for EA Accounts

EA accounts are pivotal for accessing games, online features, purchases, and social connections across Origin and EA‘s ecosystem. Protecting access with a strong, unique password is crucial.

As of 2022, Electronic Arts has:

  • Over 250 million registered EA accounts
  • Users spend 9+ hours weekly playing EA games
  • FIFA 22 drew over 10 million players within its first week

Table: EA Games & Registered Accounts

GameMonthly PlayersRegistered Accounts
Apex Legends115 million>100 million
FIFA Series25+ million>200 million
Battlefield19 million>50 million

With individuals investing hundreds or even thousands of hours building up characters, ranks, teams, and inventories in games like FIFA, Madden, Apex Legends, The Sims 4, and Battlefield 2042, safeguarding your account access is imperative. If your password became compromised, recovering your progress could prove extremely difficult – if not impossible in some instances.

Fortunately, EA‘s login infrastructure is robust. But periodically rotating to a new, unique password serves as an extra defense. Automated bot attacks routinely attempt to crack accounts through brute force guessing or credential stuffing with stolen passwords from other sites. Maintaining an updated, complex password vastly diminishes this risk axis.

How the EA App Experience Differs from Origin

In 2022 and onward, EA began transitioning from their Origin client and platform over to an updated unified EA App. This shift aims to streamline access to EA games and services across PC and mobile.

While underlying account credentials remain consistent, there are some user experience differences between Origin and the nascent EA App:

Origin Client

  • Legacy desktop client dating back to 2011
  • Primarily focused on game installation, patching and downloads
  • Limited social features and account portability

EA App

  • Provides a more unified cross-platform account experience
  • Enables friends lists, content sharing, and "parties"
  • Support for linking accounts from Xbox, PlayStation, Steam, and Nintendo

Regardless of which app you actively use, your login process and credentials will remain uniform. Resetting or changing passwords can be handled through either platform using the steps outlined earlier.

Over 2023 and 2024, anticipate the EA App subsuming Origin almost entirely as roadmaps toward full integration accelerate.

Key Takeaways and Best Practices

Protecting access to your valued gaming profiles with a unique, complex password safeguards years of progression and achievements. Follow these tips:

  • Reset promptly when you forget an existing password rather than use insecure backups
  • Change periodically every 6-12 months for an extra degree of safety
  • Enable two-factor authentication for accounts with highly valuable inventories
  • Use a password manager to generate and store your Origin/EA credential

Let me know if this expanded overview better captures the depth of information you were hoping for around changing EA Origin passwords! I‘m happy to clarify or enhance any part of the content further.

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