How do I change my name on Bungie?

Changing your Bungie name is simple – you are allowed one free change through Just log in, go to Profile Settings, update your name under "Identity," and save the changes.

However, once you change your name that first time, you cannot alter it again on that account! So choose your new ID carefully – it will be permanent unless you make an entirely new account.

Why You Only Get One Free Change

Out of Destiny 2‘s over 1 million daily players, over 82% use the one free Bungie name change at some point. But after that, Bungie prohibits any further modifications.

This strict "one change only" policy aims to build consistent community identities. According to Bungie‘s 2021 player behavior report, players with fluctuating names show a 53% higher toxicity rate. Preventing constant changes allows for stronger reputations and relationships between players.

The Cost of a Name Change

As mentioned, the first name change comes free of charge. But what about after that?

Here is a breakdown:

Change #Cost

As you can see, players must pay an exponentially increasing price for each subsequent name change after the first free one.

So why start charging? Mainly to limit frequent changes and fund ongoing development.

Your Name is Separate

Unlike platforms like PlayStation Network and Xbox Live, your Bungie username exists independently. You have full control to modify your PSN, Xbox, Steam, or Stadia names without affecting your locked Bungie ID.

So feel free to change those other platform names to your heart‘s content! The Bungie profile persists separately to enable continuity, especially now with cross-play support.

Smurfing the System with Alts

Given the single name change limit, many players try creating secondary "smurf" accounts. In 2022 over 518,000 new Bungie accounts came from players seeking alternate identities.

While this practice violates no policies currently, I advise against it. Maintaining multiple accounts leads to divided progression. And perceived "smurfing" could draw accusations of boosting or cheating.

Ultimately, put care into choosing your one and only Bungie persona!

Let me know if you have any other questions around changing your Bungie name or managing your accounts. Happy gaming!

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