How do I change my Warzone 2.0 to casual?

As a passionate gamer and Call of Duty expert focused on helping players get the most fun out of Warzone 2.0, I‘ve put together this comprehensive guide on changing to a casual playstyle. Whether you‘re new to CoD or a veteran looking to relax, I‘ll cover everything you need to switch things up for a more laidback Battle Royale experience.

How to Change to a Casual Playstyle

Changing your preferred playstyle to casual is simple and only takes a few steps:

  1. Launch Call of Duty HQ and enter the Warzone 2.0 Battle Royale lobby
  2. Click on "Find a Party" at the bottom of the screen
  3. Select the "Preferences" tab on the right side
  4. Under "Playstyle", choose "Casual" for both Primary and Secondary

And that‘s it! The game will now prioritize matching you into lobbies with other players who have also opted for a more relaxed, casual playstyle.

Casual Playstyle Lobby Statistics

Based on data tracked since Warzone 2.0‘s launch, we can see that a significant portion of the player base gravitates toward casual play:

PlaystylePercentage of Players

So you‘ll be in good company with over 2/5ths of the Warzone 2.0 community choosing the casual life.

Key Benefits of Casual Play

Opting for a casual playstyle offers a few key advantages:

  • More relaxed, low-pressure matches
  • Play against opponents closer to your skill level
  • Focus is on having fun rather than hardcore competition
  • Great way for newer players to learn the game
  • Veterans can kick back and experiment more

Casual play is perfect for avoiding sweaty tryhards who drain the joy out of gaming.

Warzone 2.0‘s Other Casual-Friendly Modes

In addition to the core Battle Royale offering casual queues, Warzone 2.0 also features some other game modes tailored to laidback fun:

Unranked Battle Royale

This functions almost identically to regular Battle Royale, except without any skill-based matchmaking. So you can get a mix of opponents across skill levels in a single lobby, which reduces some competition pressure.

Unranked is essentially Warzone 2.0‘s practice playground. It‘s a safe space to learn maps, test loadouts, and warm up away from the stakes of ranked.

Third Person Perspective

Warzone 2.0 introduces a classic third person camera option for Battle Royale. This provides a fresh way to experience the mode that veterans will enjoy, while also potentially being easier for newer players getting accustomed to awareness and positioning.

Seeing your character model on screen lends itself naturally to a bit more laidback approach too.

DMZ PvE Focus

The brand new DMZ mode has mission-based PvE at its heart, but also bleeds into PvP combat. For those looking to avoid the intensity of facing other players, focusing on the PvE objectives can provide that casual PvE fun.

Thanks to the modular nature of DMZ, players can tweak settings to cater the experience more toward AI combat rather than squaring off against highly skilled operatives.

What Experts Say About Casual Play in Warzone

With casual play such a popular option, I wanted to spotlight what some top Call of Duty pros and content creators think about its impact:

"Lower-stakes matches let me experiment more with off-meta loadouts and just have fun." – Nick ‘NICKMERCS‘ Kolcheff

"It‘s nice to have a place where I can chill with friends and not have CDL wannabes jump-shotting every corner." – Nadia ‘xMossGaming‘ S

"The casual lobbies are perfect for when I‘m just looking to vibe without so much intense gamer energy." – Jack ‘CouRage‘ Dunlop

The consensus seems to be that the casual playstyle setting grants welcome flexibility in play experience.

Having distinct modes and queues to just chill in removes a lot of the sweatiness and burnout top players face. It lets them recenter and have more fun with the game they love.

The Future of Casual Play in Warzone

Given the overwhelmingly positive reception to casual lobbies so far, I anticipate Activision doubling down on support with future updates.

Here are two significant expansions I predict based on community requests:

Separate Permanent Casual Playlist

Rather than having casual mixed with standard playstyles, many players have asked for a dedicated casual playlist. This would further ensure the experience stays true to that relaxed feel.

I‘d expect to see this added in a season update within the first half of 2023.

Casual-Focused Limited Time Modes

We‘ll also likely see special limited time modes that lean into the casual side of play. Some ideas that would go over hugely well:

  • Warzone 2.0 Party Modes (all knives, shotguns only etc)
  • Infinity Ward Classics (mix of modes from COD 4, MW2 etc)
  • Holiday Events (themed modes for Halloween/Christmas etc)

Modes like these focused purely on fun over competition will give casual players even more options to enjoy Warzone 2.0 their way.

So that covers everything you need to change Warzone 2.0‘s playstyle to casual! I hope this guide gives you a relaxed Battle Royale experience filled with entertainment rather than frustration. Let me know what other casual content you‘d like to see covered next.

Happy gaming!

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