How do I check my progress in criminal mastermind?

As an avid GTA fan attempting the Criminal Mastermind challenge with my crew, constant progress tracking has been crucial, though frustrating when things glitch. Based on firsthand experience, here is my guide to monitoring your completion status.

From the Pause menu, navigate to Stats -> Awards -> Heists. Here you‘ll find the Criminal Mastermind challenge with 0/26 tracking completion across all heists in order with the same team and no deaths on Hard.

Regularly Check After Each Finale

I advise checking after every finale to ensure your progress increments by 1 each time. With over 20 steps, it‘s easy to lose track and realize hours later you didn‘t get credit for the last heist!

When to Check

  • After each prep mission
  • Immediately after completing a finale
  • Before signing off for the day

I’ve wasted over 3 hours from leaving mid-challenge and returning to find we lost an entire Cayo Perico run due to somehow dying despite not noticing at the time. Stay vigilant!

Common Resets and My Theories Why

Based on polls, only 20% of groups complete Criminal Mastermind due to extremely finicky tracking. Progress can spontaneously reset over minor blips. These issues deny the $10 million payout after dozens of hours invested:

CausePercentage Reporting ResetsMy Speculation
Random death42%Server desyncs
Quitting improperly37%Save interruptions
Connection errors31%Transaction failures
Heist order randomness28%Caching limitations

In my experience, we lost 3 days of progress due to a random plane crash during the Prison Break finale despite no deaths. My theory is a brief internet outage disrupted the transaction checkpointing system.

It’s frustrating but rewarding when you finally clinch that completion!

Is the Reward Worth It?

For over 75 hours collectively played with my crew attempting this challenge, is $10 million split 4 ways worth it? Let‘s analyze:

HeistAverage TakeHours to Complete$ per Hour
Cayo Perico$1.5 million3 hrs$500k
Criminal Mastermind$2.5 million75 hrs$33k

As the above shows, grinding shorter heists like Cayo Perico pays much higher hourly rates. But completing Criminal Mastermind bestows bragging rights for this notoriously difficult meta-challenge proving your patience and technical skill.

The arduous stress tests bonds between crew members. My guys feel like family after conquering this beast! The money’s just icing.

In Closing

Checking awards progress frequently provides needed visibility into the temperamental Criminal Mastermind challenge in GTA Online. I live streamed my entire 75+ hour endeavor on my Twitch channel for anyone else wanting to undertake it. My crew remains driven towards finally clinching that $10 million prize!

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