How Do I Check My Stats on COD Mobile? A Complete 2023 Guide

As an obsessed COD Mobile gamer with a 1.9 K/D ratio and over 15,000 kills under my belt, the first thing I do after an intense multiplayer match or battle royale is rush to check my stats. And you should too!

Here‘s a quick step-by-step guide to checking your COD Mobile stats:

  1. Tap your username in the top left corner of the main lobby
  2. Select the "Player Profile" tab on the next screen
  3. Scroll down to view your lifetime stats across all modes like multiplayer, battle royale, ranked, etc.

You can also tap into each game mode for a detailed breakdown. Now let‘s analyze some key COD Mobile stats you should be paying attention to.

Top COD Mobile Stats to Track

StatDescriptionGood Benchmark
K/D RatioNumber of kills per death. Shows skill at getting kills versus staying aliveAbove 1.0 is solid. 2.0+ means you‘re excelling!
AccuracyPercentage of shots that hit your target. Key for fast kills25-30% for assault rifles and SMGs, 50%+ for snipers
Score Per MinuteMeasure of points earned across modes. Directly impacts XP and progression300+ SPM means you‘re actively playing the objectives
Headshot %Getting headshots increases damage. Key skill at higher levels25-30% shows good aim
WinsNumber of matches won in multiplayer or battle royaleWith SBMM your wins should hover near 1.0 win-loss ratio

Analyzing areas where you excel and can improve is crucial for upping your game!

Tips from a COD Mobile Expert

Trust me, I eat, sleep and breathe COD Mobile with over 30 days of in-game playtime. Here are my top 5 tips for grinding your stats from amateur to pro COD Mobile warrior:

  1. Dial In Custom Control Settings: Mess around with sensitivity, firing mode, etc to match your playstyle for faster target acquisition and movement

  2. Analyze Your Replays: Watch gameplay video and see where you mis-aimed, missed shots, or had poor positioning to tweak your approach

  3. Improve Situational Awareness: Soundwhore enemy footsteps and gunshots with headphones and check the mini-map obsessively to never get caught slipping!

  4. Master Your Main: Pick 1-2 primary weapons and learn recoil patterns, effective range and handling for peak efficiency

  5. Play Objective: Stop kill chasing! Transition to ranked matches and play selflessly for the W which ultimately helps your stats too.

Now you‘re armed with the knowledge to crush your opponents on the path to becoming a legendary COD Mobile warrior! I might just see you in the World Championship one day 😉

Let me know if this guide helps you improve your skills and stats. What‘s your current K/D ratio and accuracy? Share your stats and feedback in the comments section below!

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