Uncovering Hidden Side Quests: How I Claimed an Abandoned House in the Real World

As a passionate gamer, I‘m always seeking out new adventures, mysteries to uncover, and side quests to complete. I‘ve explored epic open worlds and encountered hundreds of abandoned buildings. Recently, I discovered it‘s actually possible to legally claim vacant, run-down houses in real life too!

Let me walk you through the riveting step-by-step process I followed to secure ownership of an abandoned property right in my California hometown. Spoiler alert – it was much more complex than finding a random shack in Skyrim!

Identifying Signs of Abandonment

During my regular neighborhood wanderings (gotta hatch those eggs in Pokémon GO!), I came across a boarded-up home with major structural damage. How did I know it was abandoned versus just neglected? Here were the telltale signs:

  • Overgrown trees and knee-high grass showed no care for > 2 years
  • Trash bags and furniture piled up outside
  • Broken windows and graffiti signaled trespassers
  • County records showed back taxes unpaid since 2018

These matched common indicators from games like The Last of Us, Fallout, and more. Now I just had to find the owners!

Investigating Ownership Records

My next thought was checking title records, just like digging through documents and journals in mystery adventure games. I searched county assessor databases but found no recent transactions.

The original owner appeared to have walked away years ago during the housing crisis. It reminded me of cases in L.A. Noire where desperate homeowners faced financial ruin. This was my first solid clue I might have a legitimate claim!

Navigating the Adverse Possession Lawsuit

After confirming the property met requirements for abandonment, I researched options. Turns out adverse possession lawsuits are the main route to claiming ownership rights in California.

I partnered with a skilled real estate attorney to file a "quiet title" legal action against the property. We had to complete quest-like tasks to verify occupancy requirements:

  • Providing evidence of open use for 5+ years
  • Posting public notices just like message board side missions
  • Serving notice to any potential stakeholders

After several months of legal wrangling, the court awarded us rights to the abandoned house!

Rehabbing My New Fixer-Upper

Now that I had won the legal battle, it was time for the tough work – resurrecting this decrepit building as my new home base. Where adventure games have weapon and armor upgrades, abandoned houses need serious repairs and replacements:

  • Performing reconstruction surgery fixing foundation, walls, roof
  • Installing new plumbing, HVAC, electrical (energy staffs)
  • Curing magical wards against pests and mold (restoration spells)
  • Hundreds of subquests for permits, contractors, dump runs
  • Overall a multi-year project requiring epic persistence

But now I have my very own abandoned house turnaround project worthy of HGTV!

While legally claiming vacant property is no walk in the park, I highly recommend this epic side quest. If you see an abandoned building in your journeys, maybe you‘re the hero who can bring it back to life! What story does it have to tell? I can‘t wait for more adventures.

Let me know if you have any other questions in the comments!

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