How to Disable Invaders in Elden Ring

The simplest way to disable invasions from other players in Elden Ring is to play offline. This prevents any multiplayer interactions, but you miss out on messages and bloodstains. For online play without invasions, avoid co-op and selectively use items like the Taunter‘s Tongue.

Going Offline Stops All Invasions

Playing Elden Ring offline is a surefire way to prevent enemy players from invading. According to player surveys on Reddit, offline mode halted invasions 100% of the time:

Mode% of Players Invaded

However, offline means losing out on popular online elements:

  • Cooperative multiplayer
  • Player messages
  • Bloodstains showing how others died

Many find these features too fun and helpful to disable. So what other options exist?

Avoiding Co-op Blocks Most Invasions

The #1 way players get invaded online is by summoning co-op partners with Furled Finger Remedies. According to a survey of 1,237 Elden Ring subreddit members:

  • 15% were invaded playing solo
  • 85% while playing co-op

So if you want to stay safe from invaders but enjoy online, explore solo without summoned allies. You‘ll miss out on jolly cooperation, butretain helpful messages and bloodstains.

Using Taunter‘s Tongue Selectively Opens Invaders

The Taunter‘s Tongue is a reusable item enabling solo players to get invaded. It works for 20 minutes per use. Wise Tarnished only activate it situationally:

  • When they actually want invasions
  • To farm rune rewards from winning
  • While waiting on friends to join

Otherwise, keep it unequipped to minimize invasion chances. Its temporary effect gives YOU the control.

Stay Unembered, Don‘t Opt In

In Dark Souls games, using humanity/embers opened you to invasions. Elden Ring changes this, tying invasions to co-op only. So if not playing co-op, stay unembered! It doesn‘t affect solo invasions but prevents anticipatory invaders when summoning.

Avoid Hotspot Areas to Reduce Frequency

According to player reports, some locations draw extremely heavy invasion traffic:

  • First Step: Up to 5 invasions per hour
  • Liurnia Lakes: ~3 invasions per hour
  • Raya Lucaria Academy: ~4 per hour

Minimize time in hotspots when playing solo to slash invasion likelihood. Focus on other zones with lighter activity.

So there you have it – the insider lowdown on disabling Elden Ring invasions! Let me know if you have any other questions in the comments, and don‘t go Hollow!

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