How do I enable 120 FPS on PS4 Pro?

As a long-time gamer and tech specialist, I receive many questions about squeezing more performance out of consoles. One common query – "How do I enable 120 FPS on my PS4 Pro?"

So let‘s dive into this topic in detail. Can you unlock 120 FPS gaming on the PS4 Pro? What are the hardware limitations? And how does the PS4 Pro stack up to next-gen consoles when it comes to frame rate?

Why Gamers Want 120 FPS

First, let‘s discuss why 120 FPS is desirable. Simply put, the higher the frame rate, the smoother the visuals in a video game. This leads to a more responsive and immersive gaming experience.

According to hardware experts, the "optimal" frame rate for competitive gaming is 120-144 FPS. Top esports professionals even compete on 240 Hz monitors to gain tiny performance edges.

So 120 FPS is considered the gaming "sweet spot" – where action feels immediately reactive yet visuals remain buttery smooth.

PS4 Pro Hardware Limits Frame Rate to 60 FPS

Now, here is the limitation of the PS4 Pro hardware…

The PS4 Pro contains an AMD Jaguar CPU and Radeon-based GPU. This hardware combo does an admirable job rendering games at 1800p or 2160p resolution.

However, the components are tuned for visual fidelity, not raw FPS output. As a result, the PS4 Pro cannot surpass 60 FPS regardless of the display or settings used.

Games are programmed to either run at:

  • 4K resolution @ 30 FPS
  • or

  • 1080p resolution @ 60 FPS

This is due to the sheer processing power required to maintain high frame rates. Pushing past 60 FPS would overwhelm the PS4 Pro‘s computational limits.

What About PS4 Pro "Boost Mode"?

The PS4 Pro features "Boost Mode" – an optional setting that unleashes the console‘s CPUs to run at higher clock speeds.

Can using Boost Mode somehow enable 120+ FPS on the PS4 Pro then?

Unfortunately, no. While Boost Mode improves frame pacing and consistency in some games, the title itself must have an unlocked frame rate to benefit. Games limited to 30 FPS or 60 FPS will remain blocked as the developers intended.

HDMI 2.1 Required for 4K/120 FPS Output

Another factor is connectivity standards. To output 4K resolution at 120+ FPS requires the latest HDMI 2.1 specification.

The PS4 Pro predates HDMI 2.1 and contains the older HDMI 2.0b standard. This transmission protocol tops out at 4K 60 FPS – half the bandwidth required for 4K 120 FPS.

So even IF the PS4 Pro could process games at 120 FPS (which it can‘t), there is no connectivity pathway to output that frame rate at 4K to compatible displays.

New Consoles Break 120 FPS Barrier

The recently launched PS5 and Xbox Series X contain specialized graphics hardware enabling 4K 120 FPS gaming, provided the display and HDMI ports also meet specifications.

4K 120 FPS titles do exist on new consoles, although developers often favor unlocked frame rates OR higher resolutions – not both simultaneously.

Still, the capability exists thanks to much faster GPUs and updated HDMI connectivity. This table compares the PS4 Pro and latest consoles:

ConsoleResolution @ Max FPS
PS4 Pro1080p @ 60 FPS
PS54K @ 120 FPS*
Xbox Series X4K @ 120 FPS*

*On select titles, with compatible display

As shown above, current console hardware has only recently achieved the capability for 4K 120 FPS gaming. The PS4 Pro predates cores and connectivity standards needed to output games at 120 FPS.

Your Monitor Also Limits Frame Rate

It‘s also important to note your monitor may not support 120 Hz output, further blocking 120 FPS capability.

To leverage ultra-high frame rates from a PS5/Xbox Series X, your gaming monitor requires:

  • HDMI 2.1 ports
  • 120+ Hz refresh rate
  • High-speed IPS panel

Without ALL those specs aligned, your display alone could throttle the max frame rate to 60 FPS or lower – regardless of your console‘s power.

So when researching displays, check they meet the above criteria to unlock the true FPS potential of modern consoles. Many still ship with HDMI 2.0 and 60 Hz panels to cut costs.

Techniques to "Boost" PS4 Pro Performance

While the PS4 Pro can‘t achieve 120 FPS, savvy tweaking CAN help maximize its existing 60 FPS capabilities:

Enable Boost Mode

As mentioned earlier, enabling "Boost Mode" unleashes extra CPU/GPU horsepower to bolster frame rates. See performance gains between 5-15 FPS depending on the game engine.

Adjust In-Game Settings

Lowering graphics settings reduces the rendering workload for improved FPS:

  • Reduce anti-aliasing
  • Lower anisotropic filtering
  • Decrease shadow quality

Experiment to find an optimal balance between visuals and FPS.

Match Display Resolution

Games running at native display resolution tend to achieve higher FPS over upscaled modes.

So 1080p titles will run faster at 1920×1080 matched resolution compared to 4K upscaling. Disable supersampling unless visual clarity outweighs FPS gains.

Close Background Apps

Suspend any apps not required for gameplay. The fewer processes active, the more system resources divert to the game itself. Shut down streaming apps, media players or OS widgets hogging CPU/GPU bandwidth.

The Verdict on PS4 Pro 120 FPS

While the PS4 Pro marks an evolution over standard PS4 hardware, it lacks specialized components enabling 120 FPS gaming. Both CPU and GPU operate below the processing power required for high FPS outputs.

Frame rate ceilings derive from technical limits – not artificial blocks. So developers cannot "unlock" 120 FPS modes missing at the hardware level.

That said, savvy tweaking CAN still enable smoother 60 FPS gaming on supported titles. This delivers a better interim experience until upgrading to PS5/Xbox Series X hardware built for 120+ FPS gameplay.

I hope this detailed tech breakdown gives PS4 Pro gamers realistic expectations on achieving 120 FPS. If ultra-high frame rates are a priority right now, new consoles do hit the mark – albeit at a premium price.

Let me know if you have any other questions!

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