How to Enable Crossplay on Modern Warfare 2 for PC

Enabling crossplay on PC for Modern Warfare 2 is simple – it‘s on by default with no option to disable it. As a PC player, you‘ll automatically be matched with friends and opponents across PlayStation, Xbox, and other PC platforms.

Read on as a passionate COD player to learn why forced crossplay is causing a stir and how to leverage cross-platform play to your advantage.

The Double-Edged Sword of Forced Crossplay

Modern Warfare 2 makes history as the first COD title to fully unite the community across consoles and PC. Players can squad up regardless of their platform, opening the door for next-level teamwork with friends.

Crossplay promises to supercharge matchmaking by tapping into a massive collective player base. But it comes at a price for some users forced into these global lobbies.

PlatformCrossplay Option
PCForced On
XboxDisabled via System Setting

As this table shows, PC players uniquely don‘t have the ability to opt out. Console gamers maintain control over their crossplay participation.

Why PC Players Feel Punished

For veterans like myself with thousands of COD hours logged on keyboard and mouse, we view superior aiming precision as skill earned through dedication and practice. The playing field feels drastically leveled when we end up in lobbies with console opponents wielding strong aim assist.

Up to 80% of the Modern Warfare 2 player base is estimated to be on console. With crossplay mandatory, we regularly face off against the aim assist advantage whether we like it or not. Let‘s dig deeper into why this rubs many PC loyalists the wrong way.

Breaking Down the Aim Assist Advantage

TypeAssist Function
StandardAutomatically tracks targets, slows aim speed over target
PrecisionIntensifies slow-down strength for precise hits
FocusFurther improves precision aim, strongest assist

All console players have access to a base level of aim correction out the gate. The strength ramps up depending on the aim assist type selected:

  • Standard: Moderate tracking + slowing
  • Precision: Stronger slowing when aiming precisely
  • Focus: Strongest precision adherence at cost of target tracking

Meanwhile keyboard and mouse players rely solely on manual dexterity and reflexes with no assistance whatsoever.

You can imagine how jarring forced crossplay becomes when a PC player‘s pinpoint flick headshot gets one-upped by a console player‘s aim assist locking on for the kill.

As a long-time COD sharpshooter on PC, even I have to admit getting shredded in an aim duel by a 14 year old on their couch mashing an analog stick can feel bad sometimes.

My Take As a COD Veteran

Do I stand by the #EndForcedCrossplay movement brewing on forums? No. And here‘s why…

Integrating the community pushes COD gameplay diversity to new heights. Teamwork and coordination flourishes when friends can join up across platforms. Stomping no thumb Timmy and his squad on PlayStation as a PC ultra-sweat is just an occasional perk.

On the whole, the expanded player population enriches matchmaking for all. Lobbies stay fuller for longer with less wait. More platforms means more skill variance despite aim assist differences.

Isolationist, input-locked matchmaking would sap life from Modern Warfare 2 in the long run even if it salved our ego in the short term.

Crossplay Tips for PC Players

Just because the odds seem stacked against us doesn‘t mean we‘re helpless keyboard warriors. Here are my top strategies for PC players navigating crossplay:

Map Pick: Vote for smaller maps with short sightlines since tracking targets up close is harder for aim assist slow-down.

Flank Heavy: Work the perimeter and attack enemies distracted by your teammates to limit assist lock.

Bait Peaking: Fake a missed shot to bait aim assist slowing on a corner, then wide swing.

Play Distance: Hang back with a sniper or marksman rifle so aim assist drag has minimal impact.

Go Knife Only! Sounds crazy but can be viable and fun on small maps when you master movement.

Parting Thoughts

Modern Warfare 2 signals a brand new unified era for Call of Duty. Crossplay serves the greater vision of one giant community but will require adaptation from PC fanatics accustomed to our privileged perch.

Let‘s rise to the challenge while providing constructive feedback to developers. I firmly believe with iteration and insight, we can find the sweet spot where #AllPlatforms thrive in good faith competition.

Now I pass the mic – what‘s your experience with crossplay so far? Have your own tips to share? Sound off below!

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