How to Enable Crossplay on Warzone 2 for PC

Enabling crossplay on Warzone 2 is a straightforward process for PC players. By default, crossplay is turned on, allowing you to play with friends and opponents on PlayStation and Xbox while matching based on input device and other skill parameters.

Here is a step-by-step guide to enable or disable crossplay in Warzone 2 on PC:

Step 1: Launch Warzone 2

Open and launch Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0. Once the game loads up, you will be taken straight into the main menu lobby.

Warzone 2 Main Menu

Step 2: Access Settings

From the Warzone 2 lobby, click on the "Options" cog icon at the top right. This will open up the settings menu with various categories on the left sidebar.

Step 3: Navigate to Account & Network

Click on the "Account & Network" tab under the Settings menu. This is where you can manage crossplay and other account-based configurations.

Step 4: Locate the Crossplay Setting

Under Account & Network, look for the "Crossplay" option and toggle it On or Off based on your preference. Making this change will disable or enable crossplay matchmaking.

Warzone 2 Crossplay Setting

And that‘s it! With just those four simple steps, you can enable or disable crossplay on Warzone 2 from your PC.

Why Enable Crossplay as a PC Gamer?

Here are some of the biggest incentives for Warzone 2 players on PC to play with crossplay enabled:

  • Bigger Player Pool for Matchmaking: With crossplay, PC players can matchmake with the much larger console gaming population. This results in quicker queue times, full lobbies, and closer skill-based matchups.

  • Play with Friends on Console: If your friends game on PlayStation/Xbox while you‘re on PC, crossplay enables everyone to squad up together. No getting left out!

  • Input Matchmaking: Warzone 2 matchmaking prioritizes input devices before platforms. So controller players on PC play against controllers on consoles to keep gameplay balanced and competitive.

Based on these advantages, most PC gamers choose to enable crossplay for the best possible Warzone experience in terms of player count, queue times, platform parity, and input-based matchmaking accuracy.

Console vs PC Players in Warzone 2

In the original Warzone released back in 2020, the public perception gravitated towards PC players having an inherent advantage due to mouse and keyboard controls offering quicker reaction times and superior accuracy in gunfights.

However, based on statistics tracked by WZRanked, the more skilled and competitive Warzone player base exists on PlayStation, especially since the PS5 launch.

PlatformAvg K/D RatioTop 10% K/DTop 1% K/D

As seen in the table above, the top-performing Warzone players on PlayStation clearly have the highest average K/D (kill/death) ratios based on WZRanked‘s data aggregation across millions of players. This trend continues from the highest skill bracket down to the overall playerbase numbers per platform.

This dispels some of the perception issues around the PC platform having better players. Thanks to strong aim assist for controllers, console players have proven to excel in Warzone gameplay compared to mouse and keyboard. Between PlayStation and Xbox, PlayStation demonstrates a small but meaningful lead in average player skill level.

So if you primarily game on PC, don‘t feel intimidated about going up against console opponents with crossplay enabled.

Other Crossplay Settings on PC

Aside from the overall crossplay toggle that allows inter-platform multiplayer, there is another related setting called "Crossplay Communication" under Account & Network.

Crossplay CommunicationSetting

This setting specifically enables or disables voice chat between platforms. Keep it enabled to coordinate verbally with squadmates on console through your headset.

If you experience echo, static or can‘t hear console teammates clearly, try toggling Crossplay Communication off and on again to reset the voice channels.

With both Crossplay and Crossplay Communication enabled, you‘ll have the best experience playing together with friends while having seamless voice chat.

Closing Thoughts

I hope this guide has equipped you with the quick tip to turn on crossplay in Warzone 2 and provided some insightful analysis around platform stats and gameplay parity. Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions! I‘m actively invested in the game as a PC enthusiast and content creator, so always happy to help fellow players.

Now get out there, party up across platforms thanks to crossplay and secure those Warzone 2 Victory Crowns!

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