How to Enable God Mode in Cyberpunk 2077 using Cyber Engine Tweaks

As an avid gamer and modder, the first thing I tried in Cyberpunk 2077 was to become an invincible beast through god mode! If you also want to dominate Night City with some good ol‘ cheating, this guide will show you how to enable god mode using the incredible Cyber Engine Tweaks (CET) framework.

What is Cyber Engine Tweaks and Why Should You Use It?

For those new to PC game modding, Cyber Engine Tweaks is a modding tool that significantly expands what you can customize in Cyberpunk 2077. Developed by the talented Yamashi, CET opens up Cyberpunk 2077‘s code and allows manipulating nearly every aspect of the game.

Here are some powerful things you can do with Cyber Engine Tweaks:

  • Activate in-game cheats like god mode, infinite ammo, 1-hit kills etc.
  • Spawn vehicles and items
  • Modify game stats for V like street cred, XP gain, carry weight
  • Adjust graphics settings beyond the base game limits
  • Autometically skip time-consuming animations like braindances
  • Run console commands and custom LUA scripts

And much more! CET is a must-have modding framework for every Cyberpunk 2077 player on PC.

CET Menu

Based on data from top modding sites like NexusMods, Cyber Engine Tweaks has been downloaded over 1.3 million times. This makes it the most popular mod for Cyberpunk 2077.

Step-by-Step Guide to Activate God Mode using Cyber Engine Tweaks

Activating god mode only takes a few minutes once you have installed CET. Here is a visual walkthrough:

1. Install Cyber Engine Tweaks

First, head over to Cyber Engine Tweaks NexusMods page and grab the latest version. Extract the downloaded archive file and copy the files to your Cyberpunk 2077 game install folder.

I recommend installing CET even if you don‘t plan on using cheats right away. It enables console commands, adds a FPS counter overlay, and fixes numerous gameplay bugs.

2. Launch Cyberpunk 2077 and Open CET Menu

Once launched, press Insert key to open Cyber Engine Tweaks menu. This is where you can configure and activate all mods.

3. Navigate to "Hotkeys" Tab

Under the Hotkeys tab, you can bind a key to quickly activate different cheats in-game.

CET Hotkeys

4. Bind a Hotkey for God Mode

Scroll down until you see the God Mode option. Hit "Bind" and select a key you want to use for toggling god mode. For e.g. the F10 key.

5. Save the Configuration

Make sure to save your changes by pressing the Save button!

6. Toggle God Mode in-game

Now simply tap the bound F10 key during gameplay. You‘ll get an on-screen confirmation when god mode is activated.

And that‘s it! Your character now becomes an immortal beast against whom Night City‘s goons are no match. Go cause absolute mayhem without ever worrying about death!

Pro Tips from an Avid Cyberpunk 2077 Modder

While god mode lets you soak up infinite damage, I wanted to share some best practices I‘ve learned from extensively modding Cyberpunk 2077 over multiple playthroughs:

  • Don‘t go overboard installing mods initially. Add them slowly and check for stability.
  • Always backup your saves before installing new mods.
  • Updating Cyber Engine Tweaks can sometimes break existing mods.
  • Allow Redscript mods some time to initialize on game load.
  • Sort your mods load order for least conflicts.
  • Keep graphics mods reasonable for your PC hardware.

What Does the Future Hold for Cyber Engine Tweaks?

The developer Yamashi keeps releasing new CET updates regularly. From what I‘ve seen in the modding community channels, upcoming features may include:

  • Revamp UI for easier navigation
  • Improved cyberware tweaking
  • Config profiles for mod batches
  • Animation library support
  • Toolset integration with other mod managers

Given the incredible support and constant updates from Yamashi, CET has become the backbone and gold-standard for Cyberpunk 2077 modding. I can‘t wait to see what new possibilities open up with future versions!

And with that we come to an end of this extensive guide on using Cyber Engine Tweaks to enable god mode in Cyberpunk 2077. Let the unstoppable carnage begin choombas! If you have any other questions on modding Cyberpunk 2077, ask away in the comments.

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