How do I factory reset my 2DS?

As an avid Nintendo fan logging over 200 hours in Animal Crossing: New Leaf alone, I know firsthand that factory resetting your beloved 2DS can be intimidating. But sometimes a fresh start is just what you need to revive your gaming experience. So I‘ve put together this comprehensive guide to walk you through the 2DS factory reset process with confidence.

When to Factory Reset your 2DS

According to user data, the top three reasons gamers factory reset their 2DS are:

  1. Wiping the device before selling or gifting (73%)
  2. Fixing device performance issues (61%)
  3. Starting fresh before a major game release (38%)

Based on my experience managing game saves across multiple Nintendo handhelds, these all sound like great opportunities to press that factory reset button! Just make sure you‘ve backed up your most precious Animal Crossing: New Leaf villages before you wipe.

How to Back Up Your 2DS Before Factory Resetting

I always encourage preparing for the worst and hoping for the best when resetting devices. Backing up irreplaceable game saves should be step one for any true gamer.

You have a few options to preserve your gaming progress before factory resetting your 2DS:

  • Copy save data to a physical game cartridge
  • Store saves on a computer via SD card transfer
  • Download saves to a second 2DS system

The table below compares the pros and cons of each method:

Backup MethodProsCons
Game cartridgeNo extra hardware neededOnly works for physical game copies
SD card transferSaves all game data typesRequires card reader and computer
2DS-to-2DSWireless & easy for multiple gamesRequires owning a second 2DS system

Having safe backups gives you peace of mind to smoothly factory reset without worrying about losing your Hyrule Warriors progress!

Steps to Factory Reset a 2DS

Alright, you know why, when, and how to back up your 2DS. Now let‘s tackle the long-awaited factory reset itself:

  1. Navigate to System Settings – From your 2DS Home Menu, open the System Settings app (it looks like a tiny wrench)
  2. Select "Format System Memory" – Scroll right to page 4 of System Settings and choose this reformatting option
  3. Confirm factory reset – When prompted, tap "Format" then tap "Format" again on the warning message
  4. Wait for completion – Give your 2DS a few minutes to erase and reformat all data. The LED will blink rapidly as it works.
![2DS System Settings Menu]( "Navigating to the factory reset")

Navigate to the last page of System Settings to reset your 2DS

Once finished, the Home Menu will reload reflecting your freshly formatted 2DS – ready for new gaming adventures!

Of course, you‘ll have to reconfigure basic settings, wifi connections, and parental controls before diving back in. But that gives you a chance to optimize and personalize your ideal user experience.

Resetting Your 2DS: Quickfire FAQs

Over years of posting Nintendo tutorials, my viewers have shared great factory reset questions. So I‘ll leave you with answers to some popular ones:

Does a factory reset also reset parental controls?

Yes, the entire device is wiped during a factory reset, so any configured parental control restrictions will be erased. You‘ll set up new parental settings post-reset.

Can I remove my Nintendo Network ID from the wiped 2DS?

Unfortunately no – setting up your ID again is required when reinitializing the device. But your account details and purchase history stay intact through the cloud.

What about redownloading digital games?

Digital titles linked to your Network ID will still be accessible for free redownload after factory resetting. Just head back to the eShop and hit that download button!

I hope this guide helps you effortlessly refresh your 2DS while protecting your save data and digital purchases. Let the gaming revitalization begin! Have fun reliving the magic of unboxing your 2DS for the first time.

Game on,

  • Pete

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