How Do I Find My Bet ID Number? A Guide for Bettors

As an active sports bettor, having a detailed record of every wager you place is crucially important. And the key identifier for each bet is your unique bet ID number. But how exactly do you go about finding this transaction ID on the various online sportsbooks? I‘ll walk through the step-by-step process in this comprehensive guide.

Why Your Bet ID Number Matters

First, let‘s discuss why bet ID numbers should matter to you as a bettor:

  • Organizing your bet history – With potentially hundreds of bets across multiple sportsbooks, bet ID numbers allow you to catalog all this activity in an orderly fashion.

  • Referencing bets for customer support – If there ever is an issue with a particular wager being graded incorrectly or a payout not received, you‘ll need to reference the specific bet ID when contacting customer service.

  • Analyzing your betting strategy – Recording bet ID numbers along with the bet details allows you to analyze the performance of different parts of your betting strategy over time.

  • Responsible gambling – Having a complete history of all past bets (identifiable by the ID) allows you to track where, how much, and how often you are betting to stay disciplined.

So in short, actively managing these bet ID details makes life much easier down the road for resolving issues, improving as a bettor, and staying in control.

According to industry research, over $150 billion was bet with online sportsbooks in 2022 alone. And with the rapid expansion of legal betting across the US, this figure is estimated to grow to $270 billion annually by 2030. That is potentially billions of online bet tickets flooding the market in less than a decade, making carefully tracking bet details more important than ever.

How Bet ID Numbers Work

A bet ID number – sometimes referred to as a wager reference number, receipt number, or transaction ID – is a unique string of numbers, letters, or both that identifies a specific bet placed.

Here is an example bet ID number you might see:

Bet ID: 01CMRQ5003187912

This distinct ID tag is automatically generated with every single online wager, acting as a "fingerprint" tied specifically to the details of your individual bet for record-keeping purposes.

You likely won‘t recognize any pattern or logic to the sequence of characters. The numbers and letters are randomly assigned to produce an ID that has no relation to your personal account details or bet specifics.

The benefit of these largely randomized ID strings is privacy and security. Without seeing your bet ID number, third parties can‘t use the ID alone to uncover those associated bet details linked to your account and identity.

Finding Your Bet ID Number on Major Sportsbooks

Now that you know why recording bet IDs is recommended and how they work, let‘s get to the actual steps to find your bet ID number on some of the top online sportsbooks.

The user dashboard interface and specific terminology varies a bit site-to-site, but the process follows the same general path:


  1. Click "My Bets" from the side navigation bar
  2. Open your full "Bet History" tab
  3. Select an invidiual past bet to expand the Bet Details window
  4. The Bet ID is listed at the top next to "#"

DraftKings Bet ID Example

Example DraftKings Bet ID Number


  1. Click your username to open account menu
  2. Choose "My Bets"
  3. Toggle to list your full betting history
  4. Click "+" next to any bet to view details
  5. Bet ID is shown at top of the bet details overlay

FanDuel Bet ID Example

Example FanDuel Bet ID Number


  1. Select "My Bets" tab
  2. Open your full betting history list
  3. Expand bet details by clicking on any past wager
  4. Scroll down and the Bet ID is displayed prominently

BetMGM Bet ID Example

Example BetMGM Bet ID Number

And the process is largely the same across other top regulated betting operators like Caesars, PointsBet, BetRivers etc. The key is locating your full historical list of placed wagers and then drilling into the specific bet details to find its unique ID tag.

Best Practices for Tracking Bet ID Numbers

As you start to accumulate more and more bet ID numbers with an active sports betting hobby or side hustle, be sure to stay organized. Here are some pro tips:

Log the details – Copy the bet IDs into a spreadsheet or app that also logs key details on each wager like date placed, sporting event, type of bet, amount wagered, final status etc. Adding context makes them much more usable.

Take screenshots – Before exiting out the individual bet details windows, take a screenshot to capture the bet ID number along with all relevant information visible. Easy to access later.

Categorize in folders – Keep screenshots or records of your bets organized in digital folders by month, sport, league or other logical groupings to quickly reference.

Sync across devices – Use cloud storage services like Google Drive or Dropbox to keep your bet details accessible across laptop, desktop computer and mobile.

The more structured and diligent you are logging and tracking bet ID numbers from the start, the more useful they will be for your own betting analysis and any potential issues that require contacting support.

Final Tips on Locating Bet IDs

Here are some final tips as you get in rhythm finding and capturing your unique bet ID numbers within the sportsbooks:

  • Save bet details screenshots to have a visual backup of all listed information including the all-important bet ID.

  • If a number starts and ends with matching characters (like "/" or "#" ), it may paste into spreadsheets with one missing. Be sure the full ID transfers.

  • Occasionally bet status updates can lag slightly behind real-time. Allow some time for final bet results and details to populate in your history.

  • Bet IDs never change, but some sportsbooks append additional transaction numbers over time for their internal tracking purposes.

Getting in the routine of cataloging every single online wager placed with the critical bet ID number included ensures you have a detailed history for analysis, responsible tracking, and quicker resolution of any issues.

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