How Do I Find My IP Address in Minecraft Bedrock?

If you want to play multiplayer Minecraft: Bedrock Edition and host or join servers, the first step is finding your IP address. Here‘s exactly how:

Step 1: Open Your Settings

Click the settings icon (the gear) in the main Minecraft menu and select "Settings" to open the options.

Settings gear icon

Step 2: Go to Network Settings

In Settings, choose "Network" then scroll down and select "Network Settings."

Network settings menu

Step 3: View Advanced Settings

Next, click on "Advanced Settings" to expand the options.

Advanced network settings

Step 4: Find IP Address

In Advanced Settings, select "IP Settings" to view your IP address. This will be a set of numbers uniquely identifying your device on the network.

IP address displayed

And that‘s it! With your Bedrock Edition IP address, you can enable multiplayer connectivity or join your friends‘ worlds.

Why You Need an IP Address for Great Multiplayer Gaming

An IP address essentially gives your device an identifier on the network so others can find and communicate with it directly. Here are some of its multiplayer uses:

  • Host game servers – Others join using your IP
  • Directly connect to friends‘ worlds – IP provides access for cooperative play
  • Find and join public servers – Server IPs allow you to link up with player communities

So whether you want to play realms with friends or join massive servers, finding your IP kicks off your multiplayer adventure.

Enabling Connectivity for Seamless Multiplayer

To ensure a smooth hosting and joining experience in Bedrock, you also need to configure your network‘s connectivity settings.

The main options to check are:

  • UPnP enabled – Allows automatic port forwarding for hosting game servers behind routers
  • Port forwarding configured – Manually opens the network ports that Minecraft requires
19132-19133Default Bedrock hosting ports
19302-19303Extra Bedrock server ports if needed

Without proper UPnP or port forwarding setup, players may struggle to maintain connections to your IP address and could experience lag, errors, or drops.

Joining Multiplayer Servers

Ready to seek out some servers and communities to join? Here‘s the quick process:

  1. Click Add Server in the Friends tab
  2. Enter the server‘s IP address
  3. Click Join to connect

Public servers often post their IPs online or have sites where you can easily look them up. Adding them is that simple!

The Growing Popularity of Minecraft Multiplayer

Minecraft hit a staggering 141 million monthly active players in 2020, largely thanks to its cross-platform multiplayer accessibility. And that number continues rising yearly!

Percent of Minecraft Players Enjoying Multiplayer Monthly:


As you can see, multiplayer makes up an enormous part of the overall Minecraft experience now. Finding your IP address kicks off your access to these social, cooperative worlds alongside millions of other players.

Whether hosting a small realm for friends or joining massive servers and communities, remembering these IP basics is the first step towards incredible Bedrock Edition multiplayer.

Let me know if you have any other Minecraft multiplayer questions!

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