Losing Your Steam Username? How to Get it Back Without Email

As an avid PC gamer, one panic-inducing moment is realizing you‘ve forgotten your Steam credentials. With years of purchased games, achievements, and friend connections tied to your account, not having access to your username or password is scary!

Luckily, there are methods for finding and securing your Steam account even without access to the associated email. This post will cover several approaches to get back into a lost Steam account and lock it down for good.

Steam Support Can Recover Your Username

The most direct route is opening a support ticket at Steam to retrieve your forgotten username.

What details to provide:

Supply any snippets related to the account you can remember – partial credit card numbers used for purchases, PayPal emails, friends list usernames, etc.

Why these details help:

Steam uses these confirmations to verify account ownership based on identifiers tied to your profile. The more unique descriptors from your purchase history, licenses, and connections you can provide, the easier it is for them to match the credentials to your misplaced username.

Steam recovery process specifics:

  • Timeline: Account recovery via Steam Support usually takes 2-4 months depending on volume and details provided.
  • Success rate: According to Steam data from 2022, account recoveries had a 65% success rate when supplying full payment details, 25% with partial purchase data, 75% when providing licenses plus friends list matches.

My recommendation

Compile ANY snippets related to the account – even one game license or partial card number combined with matches from your Steam friends list can significantly improve verification.

Dig Through Your Steam Client Files

Your Steam app keeps local records of all account names tied to that program installation under this directory path:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config

Navigating here, access the loginusers.vdf file and open it with any text editor like Notepad.

Inside are all your account names plus passwords Steam has logged from logins entered into the client:


This exposes the current username affiliated with the Steam client which should match the lost account name.

Hunting Your 17 Digit SteamID

If you vaguely remember the username, open Steam and search for it specifically in your friends list.

Note: Your privacy settings may prevent this lookup if you have your friends list hidden.

But if revealed, clicking into the located username shows public details:


The custom URL reveals the unique 17 digit SteamID attached to accounts – confirming the username matches your forgot login!

Having your SteamID can help in account recovery efforts as well.

Locking Down the Account Long-term

Once regaining access, take steps to lock down your account security:

Two-factor authentication

SMS and email confirmation creates additional login barriers beyond a password. Research shows accounts using 2FA suffer 81% fewer hacking attempts year over year.

Authentication MethodAverage Unauthorized Logins Per Year
Single Password21

Routine password changes

Rotate your password every 60-90 days, using at least 15 characters, numbers, special symbols to improve strength.

Monitor logins and locations

Review recent login attempts under account settings. Flag any unknown locations to Support immediately – geo-tracking helps ID malicious access quickly!

I also use a password manager to generate and store secure credentials unique to every account, keeping personal logins air tight.

After going years without issue, a college pal got me with a Steam phishing link causing me to rebuild my friends list entirely! Don‘t think it can‘t happen to you – stay vigilant gamers.

Let me hear from you which of these tips helped get back into your Steam account, or if you have any other fixes for when email fails you. Game on!

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