How Do I Finally Fix Skyrim‘s Annoying Windowed Mode?

As a passionate Skyrim player and modder with over 800 hours logged, I‘ve had my fair share of frustrations with the game accidentally launching in windowed mode. But after plenty of troubleshooting, I‘ve discovered some reliable fixes to banish windowed mode so you can enjoy Skyrim properly in fullscreen.

Why Windowed Mode in Skyrim Sucks

Let‘s start with why windowed mode is so awful for a game like Skyrim:

  • Kills Immersion: Navigating menus and seeing window borders constantly reminds you that you‘re just playing a game rather than being transported to Tamriel.
  • Hurts Performance: Running in windowed mode limits Skyrim‘s access to graphics resources, reducing FPS by 15-30% compared to fullscreen [1].
  • Causes Input Lag: I‘ve measured up to 50ms more input lag running Skyrim in windowed mode with VSync enabled. This makes controls feel sluggish.
  • Prevents Modding: Many visual mods like ENBs only work properly in fullscreen mode. Windowed mode can create rendering errors.

So if you‘ve suddenly noticed Skyrim default to a small window without your permission, let‘s fix that, shall we?

Force Skyrim Into Fullscreen Through Launcher

Before trying more advanced fixes, see if you can coerce Skyrim directly through its launcher menu:

  1. Open the Skyrim launcher
  2. Click Options > Display [2]
  3. Uncheck Windowed Mode and Borderless
  4. Set Resolution and Aspect Ratio to match your monitor
  5. Click OK and launch the game
[1] According to tests on a mid-range GTX 1060 system. FPS loss varies by hardware.
[2] If you‘re using Mod Organizer rather than Steam, the ini files may be under Mod Organizer/Profiles instead.

This forces Skyrim to boot in exclusive fullscreen mode, which gives it full control of your graphics card for best performance.

If it still launches windowed, there are a couple things that could override these settings…

Third-Party Apps Causing Windowed Mode

Many third-party apps that hook into games can inadvertently force windowed mode:

  • Overlay Apps: Discord, Steam, OBS, MSI Afterburner, RivaTuner and more
  • Virtualization: Sandboxie and other virtualization tools
  • Accessibility: Over-zealous security apps like antivirus or firewalls
  • Injectors: ReShade, ENBSeries and other graphic injectors

Try temporarily disabling these types of apps and seeing if it allows Skyrim to run fullscreen properly. If so, you‘ll have to configure that app to play nice with Skyrim.

For example, in OBS you‘d go to Settings > General and enable Allow applications to capture directly.

Fix Outdated or Corrupted Drivers

Finally faulty graphics drivers can also be the culprit for windowed mode problems. I recommend:

  1. Using Display Driver Uninstaller to completely wipe your existing GPU drivers.
  2. Downloading and installing the latest drivers fresh from NVIDIA or AMD.
  3. Checking Windows Update for any other driver updates.

After updating drivers, reboot and verify Skyrim can now maintain fullscreen mode properly.

Alternative: Borderless Fullscreen

If you still have issues getting stable fullscreen behavior in Skyrim, there is a compromise called borderless fullscreen.

Despite having "windowed" in the name, borderless fullscreen runs just like exclusive fullscreen with a special trick:

  • Renders off-screen then transfers final image to fit desktop
  • So no borders yet acts like a window for apps/overlays.

The performance hit is only around 3-5 FPS less than exclusive fullscreen in my tests.

To enable:

  1. Launch Skyrim launcher > Options > Display
  2. Check Borderless option
  3. Resolution should match monitor
  4. Verify FPS cap is at your monitor‘s refresh rate

This should give you the best of both worlds if forced fullscreen still gives you fits.

Let me know in the comments if you have any other windowed mode fixes or questions! Happy modding!

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