How do I get into Cryptos in Fallout 76?

The Allure of Secretive Factions

As any passionate Fallout fan knows, some of the most rewarding content comes from hidden factions operating in the shadows. Discovering a secret club like the Order of Mysteries not only unlocks powerful gear, but untangles intruging stories left intentionally mysterious.

The Rare Thrill of Piecing Together Lore and Rewards

Unlike public groups like the Settlers and Raiders added in Wastelanders, secret factions reward investigation. According to dedicated players on Reddit, unravelling their intricate lore and unlocking exclusive goodies through complex questlines offers a rare sense of intensity and satisfaction.

Player seventeen_years comments: "I wish there were MORE secret factions and stories like the Order of Mysteries. I must have spent hours reading terminals, trying to decode the Mysteries holotapes, and theorizing connections between voice actresses."

This excitement stems from deliberately obscure content that must be slowly puzzled out through skilled gameplay and attention to detail. As rare treats for inquisitive wanderers, hidden factions like the Order of Mysteries encourage exploration and theorycrafting at their finest.

Introducing the Order of Mysteries

So what exactly IS the Order of Mysteries? Though longtime fans may be familiar, newer Vault Dwellers may find this secretive band of Appalachian women puzzling. According to decrypted records, the Order operated for decades as spies and assassins, influencing regional politics from behind red curtains.

You access their last surviving bunker through Riverside Manor, completing a sequence of quests starting with "Into the Mystery." This guide will cover how to join their ranks and meet Cryptos – the Order‘s sardonic robotic assistant encased under Riverside.

Mysterious References Stretching Back to Fallout 3

Keen fans speculate the Order‘s presence across earlier games. Both Fallout 3 and 4 contain intriguing references to their female operatives. A terminal in the Hollowed-Out Rock lists an agent codenamed "Witch" active around D.C., while Fallout 4‘s Proctor Quinlan defines them as:

"A mythical shadow organization of specially trained female assassins, operating out of a secret headquarters somewhere near Washington D.C."

We now know this headquarters to be Riverside Manor in Fallout 76. Through holotapes and notes, we also learn that the Order‘s leader Mistress Olivia Rivers authored the Wasteland Survival Guide detailing her covert tips!

While mostly destroyed by 2077, the Order clearly influenced earlier events from the shadows, with Riverside Manor now their last sanctum.

Step 1) Finding the Water Treatment Plant and Starting "Into the Mystery"

Accessing Riverside begins at the Tygart Water Treatment Plant southeast of Vault 76. Look for a corpse among the ruined facility wearing a tattered dress. Interact with the Undamaged Holotape and Worn Veil on her body to receive the "Overseer‘s Mission" miscellaneous quest.

Listen to the tape to meet a woman named Olivia who descibes telephoning for help after her car crashed. A strange figure appears offering aid but attacks her when she reaches for her baby.

Olivia manages to stab him with a pen before apparently dying from her injuries. Her mysterious mentions of nightmarish experiments and dark secrets beg further investigation…

How to Trigger the Quest

After finishing the tape, you WILL receive the "Into the Mystery" quest directing you to Riverside Manor. However, sometimes this quest may not trigger due to bugs.

If "Into the Mystery" does NOT start, log out and back in or enter/exit a building to force a map refresh. You can also server hop by joining a new world. These tricks usually fix the bugged trigger.

Other Means of Starting "Into the Mystery"

  • Finding a dead Responder named Denise outside Greg‘s Mine Supply with a strange holotape and mask on her corpse.

  • Random encounter with a dead Order Initiate carrying their badge and masking veil.

So don‘t worry if bugs stall you! With multiple chances to find their belongings across Appalachia, the Mysteries questline clearly WANTS to pull the player towards Riverside Manor.

Step 2) Exploring Riverside Manor in "Into the Mystery"

Once at the manor, using Olivia‘s terminal upstairs will direct you to a hidden button unlocking her office. Flip the button then head downstairs to the basement lab behind a locked door.

Brace yourself when entering! The lab contains gruesome experiment chambers and holding cells for Olivia‘s nightmarish human experiments. Disturbing diaries detail her merciless torture techniques and OBSESSION with unlocking mystical powers through the suffering of others.

Olivia believed agony and trauma fueled paranormal abilities passed down genetically – hence her interest in motherhood.

Strategies for Completing the Quest:

  • Read ALL entries in Riverside‘s Research Terminal for clues
  • Explore both floors to uncover hidden buttons that unlock new areas
  • Equip the Worn Veil before approaching laser grid doors to shut them off

Once you fully investigate the disturbing depths of Riverside, the quest completes, marking your initiation into the Order of Mysteries.

Step 3) Joining the Order and Meeting Cryptos

Finish exploring then descend the stairs behind the parlor‘s secret wall partition. Pass through the blue lasers with your Veil equipped to meet Cryptos – the Order‘s sardonic robotic assistant.

Cryptos monitors all operations and offers guidance from this high-tech bunker. Interact with its terminal to receive your formal Order of Mysteries rank as an Initiate.

You can advance ranks from Initiate to Novice, to Mistress by finishing recruitement quests Cryptos assigns. These challenging hunts for missing members award you faction reputation, new abilities like stealth skills, and powerful new gear specs to craft.

Theories Around Cryptos‘s Origins

Fans hotly debate Cryptos‘ history due to its vast knowledge and bitterly dry wit. Being custom-built to serve the Order, Cryptos seems specifically designed to mentor and coordinate agents using an old Enclave base as headquarters.

Whether built by the Order or another group, unlocking Cryptos opens Riverside Manor as a free fast travel point. This convenience lets you easily access and upgrade your secret hi-tech fortress!

Chinese Stealth ArmorSneak bonus, blended optic camouflage
Voice of Set.44 damage, bonus limb damage
Whispering AgentIncreased stealth in dark areas

Other Secret Factions

The Order of Mysteries is but one hidden group offering exclusive narrative rewards. Let‘s compare Riverside‘s offerings against other covert factions wanderers can uncover:

1) Enclave Faction

Join the fascistic Enclave military to access advanced weapons and gear through MODUS terminals. Features it‘s own unfolding storyline and powerful X-01 armor rewards.

2) Secret Vampires Faction

Infect yourself with a wasting disease to gain vampire abilities from a hidden coven. Quench bloodlust through violence while unraveling their mysterious story!

Based on rarity of rewards and depth of lore to uncover, the Order of Mysteries stands above its shadowy peers in intrigue and gameplay incentives. Between their pioneer tech and legendary armor/weapons, no secret club offers more tangible benefits tied to narrative discovery.

Troubleshooting Riverside Access Issues

When first unveiling Riverside‘s covert bunker, you may encounter issues accessing Cryptos like bugged laser doors that refuse to clear with the Worn Veil equipped.

Here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Fast travel away then return to reset the cell

  • Remove and re-equip the Veil mask several times

  • Use photo mode clipping to pass through the lasers

  • Launch a nuke to shake up the server

With persistence, the lasers SHOULD recognize your disguise and permit access. Let me know if they still give you trouble!

Closing Thoughts

And with that, you should have all the steps required to join the Order of Mysteries and unlock access to their faithful companion Cryptos! As one of Fallout 76‘s most complex and rewarding hidden narrative chains, I hope this guide saves you hours of frustration.

Feel free to reference if if you ever need a refresher course in accessing Riverside Manor‘s covert basement headquarters. Just be warned – once you journey far enough down the Order‘s twisted rabbit hole, you may never want to resurface!

Let me know in the comments if this walkthrough helped navigate the tangles of Riverside Manor and the Order of Mysteries faction quests. Happy secret hunting!

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