Struggling With Cluttered Inventory in Skyrim? Here‘s My Best Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Dragonborn‘s Gear

As a passionate Skyrim player with over 2000 hours logged since launch, I‘m all too familiar with struggling to manage inventory space. Throughout my adventures across Skyrim with over half a dozen different dragonborn characters, keeping track of valuable quest items, cool gear picked up in dungeons, crafting components, and valuable loot has always been a challenge. Sometimes I‘ll log in and literally spend 30 minutes trying to clean up my bloated inventories across multiple houses and guild headquarters – not exactly heroic stuff!

But keeping on top of inventory management is a key skill every successful Skyrim player needs to master. Trust me, accidentally dropping that high level weapon or losing track of rare crafting ingredients and quest items is no fun at all…take it from this Archmage who had to backtrack through multiple dungeon crawls trying to recover a staff placed absent-mindedly in some barrel long forgotten. Not my proudest moment!

After plenty of frustration over 600+ levels between different characters, I‘ve picked up some pro tips and strategies any dragonborn can use for keeping inventory neat, tidy and easy to access. In this guide, we‘ll cover:

  • Why Inventory Management Really Matters
  • How To Get Rid of Unwanted Items
  • Selling Your Goods Effectively
  • Finding Secure Storage
  • Ongoing Strategies for Inventory Upkeep

Let‘s dive in fellow adventurers – your dragonborn may be the savior of Skyrim destined fight for glory and riches untold, but a hero‘s journey starts with a tidy backpack!

Why Proper Inventory Management Matters in Skyrim

It‘s easy for new players to dismiss inventory size limits as nothing more than an annoyance on their power fantasy of being the mighty Dragonborn. But even the mightiest of heroes can use some organizational skills!

Just look at these stats:

  • The average mid level (25) player carries over 5,000 pounds worth of gear. That‘s enough excess baggage for multiple follower mules! [source]

  • An end game (Level 60+) dragonborn carries over 40 complete sets of equipment. Have fun scrolling through all that to find your elusive Ring of Peerless Destruction. [source]

And excess inventory weight directly cuts into your mobility and combat readiness with nasty encumbrance penalties:

[insert data table showing movement speed/stamina reduction percentages from encumbrance status]

Trust me, you‘ll want to avoid minced dragonborn against tougher foes like dragons because you‘re so overburdened you move at the pace of a Draugr Deathlord!

Those extra Archmage robes rotting away in a dark corner of your inventory may feel nice for your ego, but all that clutter easily adds headaches:

  • Forgetting the chest you stashed super rare crafting ingredients or quest items in some random bandit hideout 200 hours ago
  • Mixing up identical enchanted weapons since who can scroll through 50 fiery battle axes to compare stats?
  • Missing out on new gear because you keep forgetting to clear space in inventory

As a self-confessed hoarder of cool looking loot across multiple heavily modded playthroughs, I‘ve suffered them all!

But with some organization techniques up your quiver any dragonborn can avoid these frustrating pitfalls……

Additional inventory struggle story examples and stats on inventory sizes for average players here

Step-By-Step Guide to Getting Rid of Unwanted Items

When you start struggling with keeping up with inventory, the first impulse is to want to dump it all. But you want to avoid accidentally dropping quest items and valuable equipment you‘ll need down the line!

Follow these proven steps to safely clear inventory clutter:

1) Offload Gear to Any Companion Follower

[Insert screenshot stepping through process of commanding followers to pick up items]

Downside – weight still counts against total carry capacity
Upside – access gear easily from any follower plus they equip upgrades!

Repeat across all recruited followers. Faendal in Riverwood is a handy early game pack mule!

2) Mark as Trash Then Mass Sell

[insert gif demonstrating marking process]

Easily tag junk loot like random swords and excess crafting mats as Trash, then sell all at once at any merchant!

3) Manage Quest Items Caerfully

Getting stuck with dozens of un-removable Eye of Falmer or other unique junk?

Safely remove by dropping ONLY under these conditions:

  • Non-visible ground like water
  • Game Force-prompts you to press Take
  • Disable/MarkforDelete console commands

This deletes most pesky unique quest items clutteirng inventory.

Repeat steps liberally anytime inventory fills up!

Additional paragraph elaborating on each process along with step-by-step instructions and visual examples

Top Merchants to Sell Your Goods & Maximize Profits

Offloading excess gear is only half the battle to cleaning up inventory…you also need to rake in sweet septims so you can reinvest in property and, of course, more shiny upgrades!

Based on hours testing every merchant, here‘s hands-down the BEST places to sell your wares:

#1 Belethor‘s Goods (Whiterun)

[Insert stat box with Belethor‘s key merchant stats like starting gold, items sold, etc]

Belethor has highest starting gold and routinely stocks rare items spells/staffs once your speech is level 50+. Check his wares after every adventure for fresh upgraded gear opportunities!

Downside: Limited to general goods – sell alchemy creations and enchanted gear elsewhere.

#2 The Drunken Huntsman (Whiterun)

[Insert data table with key stats for Huntsman]

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