How Do I Get to Liurnia Before Beating Godrick in Elden Ring? A Guide to Skipping Stormveil for Advanced Players

The intense high of discovering new areas drives many an Elden Ring player to wander from the so-called critical path. Skilled Tarnished who crave greater magical power often look to the azure fields of Liurnia of the Lakes long before facing Godrick atop the ramparts of Stormveil Castle. Is facing the shambling dead among the moonlit ruins not the truest test of your mystical strength? This makes the glistening sorcery of Liurnia an obvious early destination for those not afraid to chart their own course through the Lands Between.

While maps regale us with the suggested path of felling foul Godrick after besting Margit at the entrance to Stormveil Castle, patience and courage offers other, less overt options…

A Hidden Gorge Offers Passage for Mage and Warrior Alike

Consult local maps and you won‘t find any indication of safe passage north from Stormhill towards azure Liurnia, only an ominous broken bridge surrounded by crumbling ruins. But for those willing to leave the well-trodden path there lies a narrow gorge, mist-strewn and jagged. Descend carefully here however, for this is still the territory of seasoned Craykback Crayfish and prowling Runebears. My own troop of sorcerers thread cautiously down the cliffside, wands and staves at the ready to deal with wanderers in our path.

[insert gorge/cliffside image] The treacherous cliff path leading towards Liurnia from Stormhill

While assuredly dangerous, this gorge presents a reliable shortcut straight from Stormhill through to Liurnia. Primed with ranged attacks and bandaged against poison, one may circumvent Godrick‘s grafted axe and warriors of Stormveil to instead test your mettle against the crystalline beasts and magic wielders dominating this land.

My sorcerers first attempted this shortcut quite early around level 20 before becoming overwhelmed. I wholeheartedly recommend reaching level 40 and obtaining robust spirit ashes to improve your odds. Here you can better dispel the glintstone magics of Academy Scholars and not fall so quickly to the Crystalian trio barring passage deeper inland. Have care however if night comes, for then the ground takes to shambling…

Braving the Moonlit Foes of Early Game Liurnia

AreaRecommended Level
Stormveil Castle40-60
Liurnia of the Lakes50-70

While expected to be faced after Stormveil around level 50 or beyond, rushing through to Liurnia as early as level 40 presents a thrilling challenge for battlemage and spellsword alike looking to reap greater magical power quickly.

Enemies and Tactics

Tread with care however, as these glittering fields house threats the likes of which you haven‘t yet faced in Limgrave‘s open plains or legacy dungeons. Be wary in particular of the following foes along your early passage:

  • Crystalians – These clustered crystal warriors require blunt, crushing weapons rather than slashes to make steady progress on their posture. Luring them from their cliffside perch to pick off individuals can make confronting this trio much safer.
  • Academy Scholars – Mages cloak themselves in stone shells near the Academy gates, flinging glintstone shards at range before closing to strike with staves. Bait their attacks and counter from behind cover.
  • Nox Swordstresses – Deadly assassins that emerge only at night. Their bloodblade techniques easily stagger incautious explorers as they vanish and reappear. Seek them out as a cunning challenge once settled.

While direct confrontation proves difficult, don‘t be afraid to employ stealthier techniques or distractions from your spirit ashes. The many Mini-Dungeons scattered across Liurnia are perfectly suited for your level at this point and rich in upgrade materials for bolstering your arsenal. Through cleverness and caution there lies great reward.

Reaping the Hidden Knowledge Early Access Provides

Beyond tantalizing upgrade materials, bypassing Stormveil delivers access to magical armaments not typically gained until later in one‘s quest. Sorcerers in particular may covet these spells and talismans locked behind nighttime foes:

  • Carian Greatsword – A colossal magical blade requiring significant intellect to wield effectively. Found within Caria Manor.
  • Shard Spiral – Fires chasing crystals to eviscerate foes. Discovered high atop the Three Sisters ruins.
  • Graven Mass & Graven School talismans – Enhance glintstone sorceries greatly, but leave you vulnerable. Held by the Cathedral of Manus Celes northeast of the Academy gates.

While direct confrontation often ends poorly, luring formidable nighttime guards from their posts can secure their mystical armaments and fabulous wealth early for those brave enough.

Step Boldy Towards Further Vistas

Having honed your skills against Liurnia‘s diverse array of guardians, you find yourself emboldened to press even further afield after tickling the edges of magic‘s influence. Tales tell of an isolate land to the east accessible only by traversing high cliffs or braving the depths of Stormveil‘s groundwater network. Neither path particularly appealing to my company of sorcerers however…

Even once your power grows formidable across Liurnia‘s many mini-dungeons and hidden secrets, the legacy threat of Godrick‘s axe awaits atop the ramparts of Stormveil for those chasing the coveted Great Rune powers. My own cabal of battle-hardened mages descend to face the Shardbearer directly, unleashing intense glintstone sorceries to counter his monstrous power. We shred the once-imposing figure with gleaming magic honed in our early forays to Liurnia‘s magnificent and deadly terrain.

As you progress in power through your own clever methods, be sure to share them so that other intrepid Tarnished may follow in your steps! Where will your ambition direct you on this winding romp across the Lands Between? There surely exist new and exciting corners still obscured to even my gaze. What shortcuts still remain unseen?

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