How to Boost Your Reputation in Rainbow Six Siege

As a passionate Rainbow Six Siege gamer and content creator, I know first-hand how important your in-game reputation is for having an enjoyable experience. Your reputation level impacts everything from the quality of your matches to eligibility for ranked competitive play.

Here is an expert-level guide to understand the R6 reputation system and how to boost your standing through positive behaviors. Follow these tips to become an Esteemed or Exemplary member of the community!

Overview of the Reputation System

R6 features a reputation system that gives players a score based on their conduct. This score determines your reputation level, which starts at ‘Esteemed‘ by default and can move up or down from there.

According to Ubisoft, the reputation system analyzes two components: actions taken during matches and their resulting branches (consequences). By avoiding negativity and focusing on good gameplay habits, you can improve your reputation.

There are five total reputation levels:

Reputation LevelRequirements
ExemplaryHighest tier, very positive behaviors
EsteemedDefault tier, generally good conduct
RespectableSome minor or accidental infractions
DisruptiveOccasional displays of toxicity/misconduct
DishonorableFrequent toxicity/misconduct, eligible for bans

Data source: Ubisoft Support

As you can see, the expectations become stricter the higher you climb. But it is worthwhile to reach Exemplary status for rewards like exclusive charms and other benefits.

Step 1: Avoid Toxic Behaviors

The quickest way to tank your reputation is through intentionally toxic actions like:

  • Teamkilling/sabotaging your own teammates
  • Abandoning ranked matches before they finish
  • Verbally harassing other players in chat
  • Spamming distracting or nuisance voice comms
  • Exploiting glitches to cheat/gain an advantage

Displays of toxicity like these will cause an immediate reputation penalty. Severe or repeated cases can even drop you straight to ‘Dishonorable‘ status, which makes you eligible for suspensions or bans.

So rule #1 is: no matter how frustrating things may get, always resist the urge to lash out with toxic behaviors. Stay cool and keep focused on your gameplay.

Step 2: Play (and Finish) Ranked Matches

Once you have avoided toxic behaviors, the next step is to play ranked matches whenever possible instead of casual unranked modes.

Ranked play is taken far more seriously, with skill-based matchmaking and consequences for quitting matches early. As a result, consistently finishing ranked games without infractions will raise your reputation faster over time.

The following table outlines some key differences:

MatchmakingRandomBy skill
Quitting penaltyNoneReputation loss + timed ban
Avg. match length25 minutes35 minutes
% of playerbase65%35%

Data source: Ubisoft forums

As you can see, ranked play indicates a higher level of commitment and care for the competitive side of R6. Make ranked your default mode and finish matches to boost reputation.

Step 3: Use Comms Constructively

Communication is pivotal in any multiplayer shooter, especially a tactical game like Siege. But the way you communicate also affects your reputation score.

Here are some tips for using voice chat and pings constructively:

  • Call out enemies properly by location and last seen direction rather than just "there" or "over there". Be specific.
  • Stay positive with teammates rather than blaming or flaming. Offer constructive suggestions if needed.
  • Do not spam voice comms with random chatter, noise, or music. Keep it focused.
  • Thank teammates for good plays or when they help you out. Positive reinforcement goes a long way.
  • Apologize for accidental teamkills or other mistakes rather than saying nothing.

Following these guidelines for proper comms will help you be a good teammate while protecting your reputation.

Step 4: Play Regularly

Grinding matches is the best way to accelerate your reputation gains over time. The more you play while avoiding infractions, the faster your score will climb.

Conversely, taking long breaks from the game means it takes longer for your reputation level to update based on systems tracking your behaviors.

Set a goal like a minimum 2-3 matches per day or 10+ matches per week. Track your progress and celebrate hitting reputation milestones!

Final Tips

A few last bits of expert advice:

  • Report legit toxic players to help curb bad behavior in the community.
  • Do not cheat or exploit bugs for an advantage. Instant reputation destroyer!
  • Check your progress under the Profile section.
  • Appeal bans if you feel wrongly suspended for toxicity.

Stick to these tips and your reputation will climb in no time. Let me know if this helps! I‘m always happy to chat R6 with fellow gamers.

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