How Do I Join Risk of Rain 1 Multiplayer in 2024? The Complete Guide

As a lover of tough-as-nails roguelikes and frantic co-op shooters, I was thrilled when Risk of Rain first crash landed on the scene in 2013. Scrambling through its deadly planet with three friends, dodging lasers and grenades, remains an all-time couch co-op highlight.

Now in 2024, with the sequel Risk of Rain 2 taking the world by storm, interest has been renewed in the scrappy original. However, getting multiplayer running can cause some headaches for Rain World newcomers.

Well, let this battle-hardened Rain veteran be your guide! Below I‘ll cover everything you need to know to successfully play Risk of Rain online or local co-op.

Can You Play Risk of Rain 1 Multiplayer?

Yes! Risk of Rain 1 supports up to 4 player online and local wireless co-op. While later games expanded multiplayer options, the first game kept it simple: you and up to three friends against the planet.

Risk of Rain 1 does not support local split-screen multiplayer on the same device. So gathering around one PC isn‘t possible unless you use unofficial mods.

Online co-op is crossplatform between PC, PS4, and Vita. However the aging netcode can get spotty connections across continents. Playing with friends in the same region is best.

And while Risk of Rain 2 greatly expanded multiplayer scope with dedicated servers, the OG peer-to-peer setup still works surprisingly well in 2024! Now let‘s get it running.

Joining Risk of Rain 1 Multiplayer Step-By-Step

Here is the process to successfully join a friend‘s game:

  1. Get the host IP address and port (default 11100)
  2. Host starts a game and waits at character select
  3. Joining players select "Join Online Co-op"
  4. Input the host IP and connect!

Risk of Rain 1 Join Co-op

That‘s the gist! But below I‘ll break down each step to help troubleshoot any connectivity troubles.

1. Exchange IP Address and Port

First, the host needs to provide their IP address to all joining players.

  • On PC, press Windows Key + R and run "cmd" then type "ipconfig" to find your IPv4 address
  • On PS4/Vita, test internet connection and note IP address
  • Port forwarding correctly is also vital (see troubleshooting tips below)

Risk of Rain 1 uses port 11100 by default for all multiplayer connections.

2. Host Starts Gameplay Session

Next, the host loads up Risk of Rain as normal, chooses their character, and waits at the gameplay start screen. Do NOT start the first stage yet.

Meanwhile, joining players boot up Risk of Rain on their end.

3. Joiners Connect to Host

Joining players now select "Join Online Co-op" from the Risk of Rain main menu:

  • Enter the host‘s IP address
  • The port will auto-populate as 11100
  • Select join and pray to the RNG gods!

4. Play Multiplayer Together!

If all goes well, joining players will connect and both parties will load into a fresh Rain World run, now with multiplayer aktivated!

Commence the co-op carnage with your buddies: hoard loot, coordinate attacks, revive each other. Through skill, guile, and luck you might even escape the planet‘s endless escalation! Though with multiplayer scaling, good luck with that…

Risk of Rain 1 Multiplayer Tips

Here are some key tips to aid your multiplayer mayhem:

  • Communication is key – coordinate attacks, call out items, plan escape routes. Discord voice chat is ideal.
  • Revive downed teammates whenever safe to keep them in the fight
  • Stick together…generally! Effective kiting sometimes means separating.
  • Share items that allies can use more effectively
  • Pick complementary characters – ie combination damage types

While chaos often reigns Risk of Rain co-op, keep these tips in mind for your best shot at survival!

Troubleshooting Risk of Rain Multiplayer Issues

Despite being a classic game, Risk of Rain 1 multiplayer can still be finnicky in 2024. Here are some common issues and fixes:

Can‘t Find Games on LAN?

Make sure all players are on the same local wireless network. All games will then auto-populate in each player‘s Join LAN Coop list.

Can‘t join over internet? Port forwarding is likely not set up properly. Login to your router admin panel:

  • Locate port forwarding settings
  • Create new rule to forward port 11100 to your PC‘s local IP
  • Check firewalls/antivirus if issues persist

This opens the port pathway for joining players to connect to the host computer.

Game Not Appearing in Server Browser?

First ensure your Firewall or AV software isn‘t blocking Risk of Rain. Still not showing? Restart your router and PC. Routers lease IP addresses which can change, disrupting connectivity.

Connection Failed Errors?

If you continually get "Connection Failed" errors when joining games, try these steps:

  • Reboot all devices
  • Verify correct IP and port were entered
  • Temporarily disable firewall & antivirus for testing
  • Connect closer geographic regions for better pings

Can‘t Find Friends Games?

Check that your Steam/PSN privacy settings allow multiplayer connections from friends. All players also need Risk of Rain version 1.1.1 or later.

While it may take some tweaking, once up and running, Risk of Rain 1 multiplayer offers hours of chaotic alien-blasting mayhem with your buddies.

For even wilder co-op with expanded character kits and abilities, the sequel Risk of Rain 2 is also well worth checking out.

But us Rain 1 diehards know there‘s something special about the simpler, scruffier original. I hope this guide helps new Rain World visitors crack multiplayer and start enjoying this gem. See you out there, friends!

Let me know on Twitter @MyGameHandle if you have any other Risk of Rain tips or questions!

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