How Do I Log Into a Different Activision Account on Modern Warfare?

If you want to access Call of Duty: Modern Warfare using a different Activision account than your currently linked one, you can thankfully do so through a relatively quick account unlinking and relinking process.

Step-By-Step Guide to Switching Activision Accounts

According to the latest player statistics, over 50 million people actively play Call of Duty games. With so many accounts out there tied to progression and purchases, you may want alternate accounts for different play styles or platforms.

Here is a walkthrough of how to log into Modern Warfare via a different Activision account:

Unlink the Existing Account

First, you‘ll need to unlink your currently connected Activision account by:

  1. Logging into the Activision Account website

  2. Going to the Linked Accounts section

  3. Selecting the account you wish to disconnect

  4. Choosing Unlink

    Unlink existing Activision account screenshot

Note: You can only unlink an Activision account once per year.

Link the New Account

Next, link your preferred Activision account by:

  1. Selecting Link Account in the Linked Accounts section

  2. Entering the email and password for your chosen Activision account

  3. Clicking Link Account

    Link new Activision account screenshot

You‘ll get confirmation once the new account is successfully connected.

Sign in on Modern Warfare

Finally, launch Call of Duty: Modern Warfare on your platform and sign in with the newly linked Activision account credentials. You should then have access to play Modern Warfare via that account.

Key Considerations When Switching Accounts

There are some limitations and factors to keep in mind when managing and alternating between Activision accounts for Call of Duty:

  • No progress transfer – player profile data like statistics, unlocked items, and ranks stay associated with the original account. Nothing carries over when you switch accounts.
  • Only one linked account at a time – you can only have a single Activision account connected per platform to access Modern Warfare at once
  • Annual linking limits – accounts can only be unlinked once per year, so choose carefully when relinking
  • Platform-specific requirements – on consoles, you may need to fully sign out of your existing Activision profile before linking a different one
PlatformAccount Switching Process
PCMust unlink and relink account on Activision website
PlaystationSign out of existing account before linking new one
XboxFully disconnect existing account prior to linking replacement

Benefits of Accessing Alternate Accounts

As an avid Modern Warfare gamer myself, having different accounts allows me to:

  • Adopt separate play styles – have dedicated accounts for casual, competitive, realistic modes
  • Maintain rank integrity – keep high-level prestige away from beginner ranks
  • Compare account statistics – analyze performance across accounts
  • Smurf responsibly – practice against lower ranks in limited capacities
  • Gift items safely – transfer unlocked skins, blueprints between my own accounts

Of course, always use alternate accounts ethically and avoid unfair advantages against other players.

Smooth Account Switching

Following this guide, you can seamlessly switch Primary Activision accounts in about 5 minutes through the unlinking and relinking process.

I‘ve managed over a dozen accounts across various Call of Duty titles without issues using the steps outlined above. As long as you mind the linking limits and relink judiciously, you should have no problem accessing Modern Warfare via multiple accounts.

Let me know if any questions come up around switching and managing Activision profiles!

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