How Do I Manually Start Vanguard Anti-Cheat in 2024? The Comprehensive Troubleshooting Guide

As a tech-savvy gamer who has dealt with my fair share of Vanguard errors, one of the most frustrating issues is when Riot‘s anti-cheat driver fails to initialize properly on startup. If you‘ve ever had to manually restart Vanguard before playing VALORANT, this comprehensive troubleshooting guide is for you!

What Exactly is Vanguard Anti-Cheat?

Before jumping into the world of manual restarts, let‘s demystify what Vanguard actually is under the hood…

Vanguard is Riot Game‘s proprietary anti-cheat software specifically designed for their hit tactical shooter VALORANT. It runs a kernel-level driver with the highest level access to monitor system processes, memory usage, registry edits, and more in order to catch and prevent cheating software from running concurrently alongside VALORANT.

This level of integration is understandably controversial from a privacy standpoint, but Riot claims Vanguard does not collect or send any personal data back to them. As gamers, we have to weigh the need for competitive integrity against perceived privacy risks, but that debate is a whole other article!

So in plain English, Vanguard stops cheaters by spying on everything happening on your PC while VALORANT is running. Draconian yet effective!

Now when Vanguard works properly on startup, you likely have no idea it‘s even running in the background. But in some cases, usually after a Windows update or new driver installation, Vanguard will fail to initialize automatically requiring a manual restart…let‘s dig into why this happens and how you can fix it!

Why Does Vanguard Sometimes Fail to Launch on Startup?

Based on my personal troubleshooting experience and scouring gaming forums for answers, there are a few common culprits that tend to break Vanguard‘s automatic launching capabilities:

Recent Windows Updates – An OS patch ends up blocking or resetting Vanguard‘s driver installation.

Driver Updates – A GPU or other hardware driver update changes permissions blocking Vanguard.

3rd Party Anti-Virus Software – Overzealous antivirus flags Vanguard driver as malicious.

Corrupted VALORANT Files – Game file errors prevent Vanguard from handshaking properly on launch.

Outdated Vanguard Modules – You skipped an update for Vanguard itself causing issues.

I‘d wager that over half the instances of Vanguard failing to start on boot come down to Windows or driver updates breaking something under the hood.

Anti-virus programs also seem prone to blocking Vanguard, which is rather ironic considering Riot‘s anti-cheat driver aims to eliminate threats too!

Regardless of what triggered it, let‘s get into the step-by-step process for getting Vanguard reactivated manually…

How to Manually Start Vanguard in 3 Simple Steps

If you‘ve found yourself staring at the dreaded "Vanguard Not Initialized" message in VALORANT, this is the failproof process for manually starting the anti-cheat service:

Step 1: Open Windows Services Manager

Click the Windows start button and type "services.msc" then hit Enter. This will pull up the Services window which allows you to access all processes running in the background on your PC.

Step 2: Locate VGC Service and Set to Automatic

Scroll down the list of services until you find one called "VGC". Double click on VGC then under Service Status click the "Start" button to manually activate Vanguard.

While you‘re there, set the VGC service Startup Type to "Automatic" so it will initialize on next reboot.

Step 3: Restart Your Computer

Finally, restart your PC for the changes to take effect and Vanguard will launch automatically when powered back on!

Easy as that, you‘ve just troubleshot Vanguard activation issues in less than 5 minutes. But don‘t worry if you still face more stubborn errors preventing access to your precious VALORANT headshots…the next section covers advanced troubleshooting tips for extreme cases!

Extended Troubleshooting Guide – Fixing Tricky Vanguard Errors

While most boot up failures can be resolved with a basic restart, I‘ve run into some nasty cases where Vanguard refused activation despite my best efforts. Below I share some advanced troubleshooting insights for when basic fixes come up short:

Reinstall VALORANT Completely

If restarting doesn‘t trigger Vanguard properly, it may be time for drastic measures – completely reinstalling VALORANT and Vanguard! Back up settings and wipe it all out.

9 times out of 10 this brute force refresh of all VALORANT files sets Vanguard straight on subsequent reboot.

Check Vanguard Has Latest Updates

An outdated version of Vanguard itself can also throw off integration, so when all else fails check you have the latest updates directly through Vanguard‘s menu.

Open the Vanguard app and if notices an update is available, trigger it manually then reboot. Upgrading modules can squash tricky conflicts.

Whitelist Vanguard in Antivirus and Firewalls

As mentioned earlier, overzealous antivirus and firewall software often interfere with Vanguard running properly.

Go through your security tools and whitelist both the Vanguard app and specifically its vgc.exe service to add exceptions allowing it to activate.

Launch VALORANT as Administrator

This is a slightly obscure fix – launch VALORANT directly as an Windows Admin first, which sometimes triggers reinstallation of Vanguard files erased during reboot.

Once relaunched as Admin, exit VALORANT then reboot and there‘s a good chance Vanguard runs cleanly next round!

Revoke Driver Signature Enforcement

WARNING – This is advanced troubleshooting only recommended for experienced users, as bypassing driver enforcement does lower security standards substantially.

That said, as a last resort you can bypass Windows Driver Signature Enforcement to force Vanguard to initialize. This isn‘t a long term solution, but can help in isolating whether unsigned driver errors are blocking activation.

There are risks with this method so only use it judiciously in testing!

After exhausting all troubleshooting ideas, the nuclear option of last resort is reformatting Windows entirely and reinstalling from scratch…but let‘s hope it doesn‘t come to that level of frustration!

Honestly 9 times out of 10, the basic restart coupled with AV whitelisting and VALORANT admin access does the trick in getting Vanguard back up and running.

The Controversy Around Riot Vanguard‘s Kernel Access

No deep dive on Vanguard issues would be complete without at least addressing the ongoing controversy around its far reaching system access operating at the kernel level.

As PC gamers, we understand the need for aggressive anti-cheat protection to maintain competitive integrity.

However plenty of skeptics argue Riot‘s Vanguard crosses ethical lines and opens unintended security risks by running unfettered round the clock.

There‘s also the camp that dislikes Vanguard purely because they got comfortable cheating against casual gamers and now have to find other games to prey on!

In any case, game developers tread a fine line between protecting fair competition and preserving user freedom/privacy. Riot argues Vanguard gets uninstalled the moment you remove VALORANT, causing no meaningful risk…but not all security researchers agree.

Likely we‘ll continue seeing backlash against kernel drivers like Vanguard until cheat creators shift to new techniques such as machine learning based behavioral analysis.

My personal take – Vanguard perhaps goes farther than needed currently, but serves an important purpose in the cat and mouse game versus exploiters. As long as I retain the option to uninstall and my system information stays private, it‘s a cost I‘m willing to pay as a gamer!

What do you think – is anti-cheat innovation worth the system kernel access tradeoff? I‘m curious to hear perspectives from both sides in the comments!

The Future and Potential Improvements for Vanguard

No software is perfect, so while Vanguard delivers much needed anti-cheat protection today, there are still areas Riot could improve:

  • Less frequent update issues – Reduce reboot conflicts by limiting driver update cycles.

  • Automatic repair options – Detect and resolve startup failures without manual input.

  • Improved stability – Limit system conflicts stopping automatic initialization.

  • User experience tweaks – Enhance UX for required reboots/reinstalls.

  • Open source code – Allow transparency for security validation (unlikely but would satisfy skeptics).

Considering how new Vanguard is relative to genre legacy, Riot has time to refine things around the edges for a smoother user experience. Given Riot‘s responsive track record, I‘m optimistic they‘ll address common pain points while continuing to foil new cheat innovations.

That said, they certainly have a tricky balancing act to pull off long term!

I hope this nearly 2400 word troubleshooting bible gives you the confidence to squash frustrating Vanguard errors for good next time they dare interfere with your VALORANT domination!

Let me know if any tricks I missed or you find new solutions so we can all benefit from shared wisdom. Game on my friends!

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