The Definitive Guide to Local Co-op in Diablo 3 for PC

As a hardcore ARPG fan with thousands of hours across the Diablo series, one of the most common questions I see is "how do I play local co-op on PC?".

So let‘s settle it once and for all! Here is the definitive guide to enjoying 2-4 player cooperative slaughterfest in Diablo 3 on PC.

Official Local Co-op Support

First and foremost – yes Diablo 3 does fully support LAN co-op play on PC with some caveats. While the console version allows you to literally sit together couch-style on the same screen, the PC edition requires:

  • Each player has their own PC on the same local network
  • Individual copy of Diablo 3 via
  • Being friends on to send party invites

Once those prerequisites are met, you can cooperatively play the entire game together! Campaign, Adventure Mode, Rifts, Bounties – you name it.

Fun fact: Local co-op was added after launch via a patch in 2019. So if you tried earlier and it didn‘t work – time to give it another go!

Step-by-Step Guide

Let‘s walk through exactly how to setup and start playing Diablo 3 multiplayer over LAN:

  1. Connect PCs – Ensure all PCs are on the same local WiFi network. Connect via ethernet for best performance.
  2. Install Game – Each PC needs a licensed copy of Diablo 3 purchased on and installed.
  3. Add Friends – Create BattleTag friends with the accounts you want to play with.
  4. Start Session – Have one player create a public game session.
  5. Send Invites – Host sends party invite to friends via social menu.
  6. Join Up – Friends accept invite notification to join session.

Once the full party joins, you‘ll all meet up in town and can start cooperatively exploring Sanctuary!

Pro Tip: Check your router settings to optimize for lower latency. You might also restrict background bandwidth usage to prioritize Diablo 3 traffic.

What Activities Work?

A common question is what content can be played cooperatively in local play:

Works Flawlessly

  • Story Campaign
  • Adventure Mode
  • Nephalem Rifts
  • Greater Rifts
  • Bounties
  • Kanai‘s Cube

So all the major activities are available! The only exception is Challenge Rifts which must be completed solo.

Here are some quick stats:

Adventure ModeYes
Greater RiftsYes
Kanai‘s CubeYes
Challenge RiftsNo

As you can see, the entire endgame experience with exception of Challenge Rifts is wide open for co-op decimation!

What About Trading?

One of my personal favorite aspects of local multiplayer is freely trading gear between characters.

The good news is that full trading support exists between locally connected players. Feel free to shower your less fortunate friends with your cast-off Ancient legendaries!

However, there are some limits:

  • Cannot trade Reaper of Souls exclusive items
  • Cannot trade items from Seasonal characters
  • Gear becomes account-bound if equipped

But overall, you have lots of flexibility to trade freely without many restrictions.

How Many Players?

If you‘re curious how many total players can join a single local session – up to 4 total players can join.

So grab three friends and get your digital demon-slaying squad together!

Session SizeSupported
2 PlayersYes
3 PlayersYes
4 PlayersYes

While 2 player co-op is most common, supporting up to 4 locally is a nice option for bigger gaming groups or parties.

Closing Thoughts

Hopefully this guide gave you a definitive overview on how to play Diablo 3 with friends over LAN on PC!

The key pointers:

  • Fully supported, but requires multiple PCs
  • Connect PCs via LAN
  • Each player needs licensed copy on
  • Send/Accept party invites into hosted game

Now that you know the basics, it‘s time to reap souls and piles of glittering loot together!

Whether you want to play casually with a friend or min-max Greater Rifts with a specialized 4 player squad – local co-op pushes the experience to greater heights.

Happy hunting nephalem – may your victory be etched in the bones of demons!

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