How Do I Power Up My Rare Wubbox in My Singing Monsters?

As a long-time MSM enthusiast and content creator, this is the hottest question I get from fellow Monster Handlers.

Let me start by giving you the straight answer:

Powering up your Rare Wubbox works nearly the same as a regular Wubbox. The only difference is that it strictly requires all the Rare monsters from that island.

But I know you want more than that simple response!

Brace yourself, dear reader – you‘re about to get a complete breakdown for awakening this mighty beast into its income-generating form.

An Introduction to the Rare Wubbox Phenomenon

Before we dig into the power-up process, let‘s briefly discuss why the Rare Wubbox even exists.

In the MSM universe, Wubbox acts as the secret creator behind the charming Wublins we all know and love. It fills a father-figure role, teaching little Wublins its funky dance moves on Wublin Island.

Originally, Wubbox was exclusive to the Natural Islands. But popular demand from players led Big Blue Bubble to unleash the colorful Rare variant in an update on July 26th, 2019.

Sporting that sleek black-and-rainbow design, Rare Wubbox caused an absolute frenzy upon release!

So why was Rare Wubbox so hyped up? A few reasons why this rad robot has Monster Handlers like me so pumped:

  • It produces way more income than common Wubbox – I‘m talking nearly double the coins and shards per minute! Check the figures:
MonsterMax Coins/MinuteMax Shards/Minute
Common Wubbox2,100105
Rare Wubbox4,000200
  • You can have both common and Rare on each island – Yep, they don‘t share the same bed space!

  • It has a 100% happiness boost over common – Easier to keep that production maxed out!

  • It completes your Rare collection – Gotta catch ‘em all, right?

Simply put, the Rare Wubbox takes an already awesome monster and cranks its utility to the next level.

But all that potential sits trapped until you power up your Wubbox!

Power-Up Ingredients: What Does Rare Wubbox Need?

Activating your new Rare Wubbox isn‘t as straightforward as other monsters who just need some feeding.

Nope – you need to "box" your Monsters again.

Specifically, you must place the appropriate Rare monsters on each island into the Wubbox‘s inventory.

Those ingredients include:

  • On Natural Islands – All 15 Natural Rare monsters
  • On Gold Island – All 30 Natural Rare monsters
  • On Ethereal Island – All 15 Rarethereals

Thankfully, Rare Wubbox occupies the same single bed as common Wubbox. So it won‘t squeeze your space for other monsters once awake.

But clearly you‘ll need all those Rares available to unlock its potential!

For newer Monster Handlers, that‘s a tall order requiring plenty of patience and shards. But the rewards justify the effort!

Alright, you know what Rare Wubbox needs…now let‘s cover how to serve up those power-up ingredients correctly!

Step-By-Step Guide: How to Power Up Your Rare Wubbox

Powering up Rare Wubbox follows the same overall process as common Wubbox. But the Rare ingredients do make things slightly more complex.

Here is a fool-proof step-by-step walkthrough:

Step 1: Buy Rare Wubbox and Position It

You can purchase your new dormant Rare Wubbox for 75 million coins once your island reaches Level 20. That‘s the same cost as common.

I recommend placing it smack in the middle or towards the front, where its massive size is on full display!

Step 2: Gather All Needed Rare Monsters

Hopefully you already have all the needed Rares on that island. If not, now‘s the time to start (or continue) breeding and hatching them!

Remember, you need every Rare from that island‘s natural breeding class. On Natural Islands that‘s 15 total Rares, while Gold and Ethereal require 30 and 15 respectively.

For new players missing lots of Rares, this can take weeks of patience and dedication. So might as well get cracking!

Pro Tip: Make sure to level up each Rare monster to at least Level 4. That ensures you have sufficient beds for all of them.

Step 3: Activate Rare Wubbox!

Once you finally have all the Rare pieces gathered, now the fun part begins – transformation time!

Tap each Rare monster to pick it up, then simply drag it directly onto the Rare Wubbox. You‘ll see it get sucked into the available inventory slots.

  • On Natural Islands, it takes 15 Rares
  • On Gold Island, it takes 30 Rares
  • On Ethereal Island, it takes 15 Rarethereals.

So keep filling those slots until your new Rare Wubbox springs to life!

Watch in wonder as the magical metamorphosis unfolds. Your blank box morphs into an awesome new robotic form, ready to start pumping out impressive income around the clock!

Step 4: Celebrate and Start Feeding!

Take a moment to appreciate this monumental achievement, and strut your stuff on social media. Not everyone has the skill and dedication to unlock a Rare Wubbox!

Once the partying dies down, the real work shifts to leveling up your new monster. Feed it treats and watch the coins and shards totals climb higher!

For new players with fewer resources, focus on maximizing coins first. Remember to take full advantage of income boosts during weekend events and seasonal celebrations!

Keep It Powered Up!

Now for the anti-climactic part…ensuring your Wubbox stays powered up!

With great income comes great responsibility. You must check back periodically to keep all Rare monster slots filled.

Why? Because pesky Wubbox has a nasty habit of randomly releasing boxed monsters back to beds. Not cool!

Stay vigilant by tapping Wubbox regularly and reloading any empty slots. Consider it the maintenance cost for those sweet, sweet profits!

Is It Worth Powering Up Rare Wubbox?

At the end of day, unlocking Rare Wubbox represents a MAJOR milestone for any devoted Monster Handler. That alone makes it worth the steep time and resource investment.

But let‘s break down the actual ROI calculations…

  • Rare Wubbox costs 75 million coins upfront
  • It generates ~4 million coins per day at max level (over 100x purchase price!)
  • It also outputs nearly 200 shards per minute for faster leveling
  • All that income is passive once powered up

So in raw math terms – yes, Rare Wubbox pays itself off shockingly fast after powering up.

However, the real value comes from meaningful completeness…finally filing that last empty slot in your Rare collection!

For me, tapping those final few Rare monsters into the slots brought a tear of joy. So if you feel the same sense of achievement in this silly little monster game, I‘d say Rare Wubbox is VERY worth powering up!

Let me know if have any other questions in the comments below! For even more MSM insights and guides, remember to SMASH that subscribe button. Happy monster making!

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