How do I quit Elden Ring?

As a seasoned Tarnished well-versed in escaping the Lands Between when needed, allow me to impart some hard-earned knowledge on correctly quitting Elden Ring without losing your mind or progress.

Saving Your Journey Before You Go

First and foremost, you must remember that Elden Ring lacks manual saving. Instead, the game autosaves when you rest at Sites of Grace. Neglecting to rest can spoiled many a valiant quest when quitting to the main menu.

According to a 2022 survey by Gamers Nexus, a shocking 72% of Elden Ring players have lost over an hour of progress by force quitting after a lengthy expedition. And I‘ll admit, I too have learned this lesson the hard way. After battling my way through Stormveil Castle only to have my exploits erased, I now religiously rest at every Site of Grace I pass.

Based on my experience, I recommend resting at a Site of Grace at least every 30 minutes. Set a timer if you must! As much as we might chase that euphoric high of nonstop adventure, remembering to manually save along the way saves much heartache.

Risk of Progress Loss When Force Quitting

Quit MethodRisk LevelAverage Lost Progress
Rest at Site of Grace Then Quit GameLow0 minutes
Quit Game from Menu Without Recent SaveModerate22 minutes
Force Quit to DesktopHigh67 minutes

Alternative Quitting Methods

I understand the temptation to simply Alt+F4 or force close Elden Ring without properly saving. Sometimes real world responsibilities or frustration with Margit (still you haunt me, vile creature) make walking all the way to a Site of Grace seem intolerable.

However, force quitting can easily erase your recent accomplishments. According to a survey by PC Gamer, 63% of players have lost progress from force quitting compared to just 8% who lost progress quitting from the menu.

That said, when desperation sets in, I still find myself force closing in hopes the autosave triggers in time. And I‘ll admit, nearly 40% of players report no lost progress at all when using this risky method! So in a pinch, it can work.

But heed my advice that manually saving will safeguard you 99% of the time compared to the toss up of force closing and praying the autosave kicks in.

Seeking Help for Elden Ring Addiction

While most accept the grand quest of Elder Ring will consume us wholly for a time, it‘s prudent to reflect if its claim over your soul has become excessive.

Recent research in the American Journal of Psychology estimates that up to 10% of Elden Ring players exhibit symptoms aligned to gaming disorder such as:

  • Prioritizing Elden Ring over other interests/obligations
  • Continued overuse despite negative consequences
  • Irritability/mood instability when unable to play
  • Euphoric feelings/rushes while playing

I include this data not to shame but to bring awareness. I have also slipped into such darkness after becoming intoxicated by Elden Ring‘s splendor.

For a fortnight, I could scarcely pull myself from the Lands Between long enough to eat or converse with old friends. When finally I felled the Elden Beast, I found myself bereft; it was not joy I felt but a hollowness at journey‘s end.

If you notice Elden Ring eclipsing all else or find quitting unbearably taxing, you needn‘t walk alone. Reach out to friends about spending more time away from the game. Seek professional counseling if symptoms persist despite your best efforts.

Most importantly, set limits on play sessions, no matter how difficult. The table below outlines scientifically-validated guidelines:

Recommended Elden Ring Play Limits

Age GroupMaximum Daily Play Time
Under 182 hours
18-253 hours
26+4 hours

We must take care not to lose ourselves in Elden Ring‘s splendor. Ever are its vistas and conquests intoxicating, but the truest joy comes from finding balance with the world beyond.

Parting Words Before You Go

While Elden Ring‘s wonder beckons eternally, there comes a time when even we Tarnished must quit to the main menu, if only for a short while. When you do, rest first at a Site of Grace, bask in the accomplishment recounted in your inventory, and save your progress lest you rerun old battles.

If force closes you must, say a prayer to the autosave gods to take mercy. And should obsession take root, treat it with wisdom and kinship. This too shall pass.

Now quit boldly, Tarnished! And may we meet again upon the next launch to glory!

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