How to Recover Your Missing or Corrupted MyPLAYER File in NBA 2K23

As an avid NBA 2K gamer and content creator, I know first-hand how frustrating it can be to lose dozens or even hundreds of hours of MyPLAYER progress due to a corrupted or deleted save file. But don‘t rage quit yet! Thankfully, 2K provides a few handy tools to help you restore your cherished MyPLAYER back to their former glory.

Step 1: Check Cloud Storage for Backup Saves

The best place to start your search is in the cloud – 2K stores backup saves of your MyPLAYER online so they can be easily restored if something happens to your local files.

Here is exactly how to access these cloud saves:

  1. Go to Settings > Application Saved Data Management > Saved Data in Online Storage
  2. Select Download to System Storage
  3. Choose NBA 2K23
  4. Download all files starting with "MyCareer"

According to 2K Support, this is "the fastest and easiest way to get your missing MyPLAYER back". The cloud auto-saves a backup every time you safely quit the game from the pause menu.

I cannot stress enough how vital it is to always upload your MyPLAYER data to 2K‘s Servers upon exiting 2K23. It takes a few seconds and saves you from this restoration headache!

Step 2: Copy MyPLAYER Save File from USB Drive

If you had the foresight to manually back up your MyPLAYER onto a USB drive or external hard drive, you can simply copy that file back onto your console now.

  • Locate the USB device and plug it in if not already connected
  • Navigate to the NBA 2K23 save folder
  • Copy the MyPLAYER save file back into the internal storage or cloud storage

I make it a habit to regularly export my MyPLAYER save onto a USB for safekeeping. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

Step 3: Initiate New MyPLAYER and Sim to Previous Point

If all else fails and you have no backups anywhere, then starting a brand new MyPLAYER career is unfortunately your only option.

You can simulate and skip ahead to try recouping your previously earned VC and badge progress. But all storyline progress and attribute builds will be reset. Major bummer, I know! 😢

Here are some of my tips from experience for expediting the slog back to where you were before:

  • Simulate to end of high school career rather than playing full games
  • Declare for NBA draft ASAP once available
  • Upon reaching the NBA, use VC to upgrade attributes to their past ratings
  • Apply skill boosts to temporarily increase ratings
  • Play several Play Now games to rapidly earn badge upgrades
MethodTime to Regain Progress
Cloud Restore< 1 minute
USB Restore< 5 minutes
New MyPLAYER Simulation10+ hours

As you can see, restoring via backup saves is infinitely faster than building up VC and badges from nothing!

Avoid Starting Over: Backup Your MyPLAYER Files!

I cannot emphasize enough how vital it is to form regular backup habits to avoid ever having to rebuild your MyPLAYER from the ground up. Here are my personal best practices:

  • Upload all MyCAREER saves to the 2K cloud after each session
  • Every 10-15 hours of playtime, export saves to a USB drive or hard drive
  • Delete old MyPLAYER builds you no longer use as leftover files can cause conflicts
  • Before deleting NBA 2K23 or reformatting your console, back up your saves! Deleting the game does not automatically retain your MyPLAYER data

Follow these backup tips religiously and you‘ll never need to sweat a corrupted MyPLAYER again!

Let me know down below if this guide helped you restore your missing player. And what was the highest overall you had to recreate? For me it was a 97 OVR that took forever to regain all those attribute upgrades and badge points! 😵‍💫

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