How to Spend Your Call of Duty Battle Pass Tokens for Maximum Reward

The key to spending your hard-earned Battle Pass tokens is simple: use them to unlock the cosmetic rewards you find most appealing in a given season. This gives you the flexibility to prioritize the operators, blueprints, XP boosts and more that match your personal style.

Battle Pass Tokens 101

Before deciding how to invest your tokens each season, it helps to understand exactly what they are and how the system works.

  • Battle Pass tokens are the currency you use to redeem rewards within the 100 unlockable tiers that make up each season‘s Battle Pass.
  • You earn tokens gradually by playing matches and gaining XP. More matches played = more tokens earned.
  • Check your token bank (the hexagon icon) on the Battle Pass menu to see how many you have available.

Table 1: Typical Token Earning Rate

Time PlayedTokens Earned*
1 hour3-5 tokens
5 hours15-25 tokens
10 hours30-50 tokens

*Rate varies based on game mode

  • It costs 1 token to redeem each reward. Claim all rewards in a sector to unlock the ability to spend tokens on adjacent sectors.
  • Expect to spend at least 100 tokens to unlock the full Battle Pass map each season.

Now let‘s explore tips for investing those precious tokens for maximum return on your play time.

Choose Limited-Time Operators First

New operators are without question the rarest and most coveted Battle Pass rewards. Unlike weapon blueprints which can appear again later, operators are exclusively available during their debut season.

  • That‘s why I always spend tokens to unlock all seasonal operators as my top priority each season.
  • Operators also let you show off your style in matches and lobbies. So if aesthetics are important to you, focus on these rewards.
  • For example, Season 1‘s Marc-060 is popular for his cybernetic arm and masks. And he‘ll be gone when Season 2 starts!

Covet Weapon Blueprints When Stylish

Legendary and epic weapon blueprints offer a convenient way to get a tricked out gun without the grind. And some definitely look cooler than base weapons.

  • The LV Squalus assault rifle blueprint in Season 1 catches the eye with its shark decal and blue lasers.
  • While blueprints come back around occasionally, the specifics of each design might not. So if there‘s one you love, cash in some tokens on it.
  • I tend to save blueprints for last since operators and other cosmetics give me more bang for the token. But that‘s just my take!

Use Tokens Before They Expire

One quirk of the new Battle Pass system is that leftover tokens automatically expire at the end of each season. That means any unused tokens just vanish rather than rolling over.

  • So while it‘s fine to save some tokens in case better late-season rewards get added, make sure to spend the bulk of yours before time runs out!
  • Otherwise you‘re leaving rewards on the table that you earned through play time. autoinvestment
  • My rule of thumb is to enter each season‘s final week with no more than 10 unspent tokens.

Save Upfront Tokens For Later Bundles

Something to consider with the sector structure is that entire bundles of themed rewards sometimes appear later on.

  • For instance, Season 1‘s EX1 Bundle unlocks with Sector 5 and delivers highly desirable sci-fi operator Skarlet RR along with a dressed up weapon blueprint. So it was worth saving up tokens to unlock that whole bundle at once!
  • Hover over locked late-game sectors to preview what rewards await for planning purposes.

Overall the revamped Battle Pass, while not perfect, does offer players real flexibility and choice in prioritizing the cosmetics they find most compelling. So rather than simply chasing max rank like before, your tokens let you to seek out the exact types of rewards that excite you most. Hopefully these tips help you spend wisely to build your ideal Modern Warfare II swagger!

Let me know if you have any other Battle Pass questions, and be sure to subscribe for more pro gaming intel and strats!

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