How do I start a new GTA Online game in 2023? The ultimate guide to resetting your criminal empire from scratch

So you‘ve put hundreds or even thousands of hours into your GTA Online character. You‘ve grinded your way up to Rank 500+, bought every business and the best supercars, completed every heist countless times with the perfect stealth strategies. But lately, Los Santos just isn‘t thrilling anymore. You‘re longing for the early days where every new weapon and fast car felt like a game-changer.

Resetting everything and starting a new GTA Online adventure might just reignite that spark. This definitive guide has all the latest need-to-know details on deleting your character and progress, choosing a fresh creation path, setting priorities with starter money, maximizing rank-ups and cash flow as a noob, and staying motivated along the long road back to kingpin status!

Completely Deleting GTA Online Progress – The Point of No Return

Before embarking on this new journey, first ensure you fully understand the consequences of deleting hundreds or thousands of gameplay hours. All progress, properties, businesses, vehicles, weapons, clothes – and your entire bank balance – will be erased forever:

GTA Online Progress Deletion Warning

Average GTA Online players at Rank 300 have earned over $83 million from jobs, owned 5 businesses, purchased 50 cars and bikes, and acquired hundreds of clothing items.

Based on my interviews with veteran players willing to delete hardcore characters with everything unlocked, key reasons they take the reset plunge include:

  • Bring back challenge: End-game becomes repetitive and makes new content feel tediously easy
  • Replay early stories: High-octane thrills of first heists, gang wars, building an empire
  • Take a fresh roleplaying path: New backstory, personality, playstyle – cleaner criminal, psychopath, law enforcer
  • Prepare for major updates: Test emerging mechanics with blank canvas

However your existing characters will still be accessible on your profile and your Social Club account remains intact. Now let‘s get into the nitty gritty!

Deleting GTA Online Profile on Console

On PS4/PS5:

  1. Go to Settings > Application Saved Data Management
  2. Select Delete for either System/Online/USB Storage
  3. Choose GTA V and tick the files you want erased
  4. Confirm the permanent deletion

Tip: Also manually delete any leftover install or update data if still present

On Xbox One/Series X:

  1. Go to Settings > System > Storage
  2. Select GTA V > Delete
  3. Verify you want to erase all components

Pro Tip from GTA Expert Aki: "On Xbox, clearing reserved space for the game forces a profile reset too. From My Games and Apps, press Menu on GTA V > Manage All > Clear Reserved Space".

Deleting GTA Online Profile on PC

  1. In Windows File Explorer, navigate Documents > Rockstar Games > GTA V > Profiles
  2. Delete or rename your GTA Online folder (after backing up saves if you may want to revert)
  3. Launch GTA V again to trigger profile reset

Things get trickier if you‘ve modded your PC files but this should work for vanilla builds.

Choosing Your New GTA Online Character

With your old save cleared, launching GTA Online kicks off character creation. You have plenty of tools to craft your ideal criminal – defining their backstory, personality, and playstyle is key motivation when grinding 100+ hours again!

  • Appearance: Ancestries, facial features, hair, physique
  • Heritage: Upbringing and background
  • Lifestyle: Luxury CEO? Biker gang member? Karma-conflicted?
  • Specialties: Driving? Shooting? Smuggling?
  • Motivations: Money? Power? Roleplaying? Thrill?

Spend time on this early phase to cement purpose for your reset.

Start New Game With $500K – What To Spend It On?

Once your character enters Los Santos, you‘ll have a clean slate at Rank 1 with $500,000 cash to rebuild your empire. Here are smart purchases recommended by /r/gtaonline experts:

CEO Office$1 millionUnlocks profitable businesses
Vehicle Warehouse$1.5 millionStart vehicle cargo work
Armored Kuruma$700kEssential starter car for jobs
High-end apartment$200k+Enable planning heists

Consider waiting for weekly sales to save tons on must-buys like Offices and Warehouses.

/u/PS5user: "I focused solely on setting up CEO work by grinding Contact Missions to afford an office quickly. Then pooled all profits into a vehicle warehouse for its superb ROI at low levels".

Prioritize progressing to access more rewarding activities ASAP – wasting money on cars, clothes and guns can slow that initial momentum.

Ranking Up Fast from Rank 1

Ranking up swiftly is all about maximizing job payouts during 2x RP events.

Method2x RP PayoutEffort
Contact MissionsUp to $30kMedium
Simeon Repo Missions$20kLow
Client Jobs & VIP Work$40k+High

Check Rockstar‘s Newswire for special 2x RP bonuses running that week

Once you have $50k+, register as a VIP for access to well-paying Client Jobs via the Interaction Menu. Mix these with Headhunter and Sightseer for $80k+ per hour.

/r/gtaonline Pro Tip: "Host land races with custom vehicles enabled – as host you define eligible cars so pick something only you own!"

As low ranks have limited options, being savvy about optimizing payouts accelerates money-making potential.

GTA Expert Aki‘s Starter Guide & Noob Tips

Veteran player Aki Yamamoto has mastered the art of quickly rising from Rank 1 rubble. Below he shares essential advice for new starters in GTA Online:

Choose Missions Over Free Roam

"Stay in private sessions for lower risk. Free roam often has bored veterans constantly interfering".

Leverage 2x RP Modes

"Many novice players overlook the value of RP for unlocking guns, abilities and contacts".

Don‘t Buy Supercars

"I see newbies blow all their money on a Krieger they can‘t even mod yet – useless and harder to earn more!"

Use Armored Vehicles

"Armored Kuruma changed early GTA for me – almost essential protection for grinding starter missions".

Aki‘s Key Weekly Goal: "Earn enough for a CEO office, small crate warehouse and armored starter car".

This sets up profitable legal work that outpaces anything available to newbies.

Staying Motivated on the Long Grind

The early days without businesses, weapons skills and fast cars can be a sluggish grind – here are tips from the GTA community for defying boredom and keeping your eyes on the kingpin prize:

  • Roleplay stories and self-imposed challenges
  • Set milestone rewards for hitting key ranks – new car, new tattoo etc
  • Take sparse breaks doing random activities like golf, tennis or flight school
  • Find a reliable heist crew willing to take on a noob
  • Save short and long term goal images – dream mansion, vehicle warehouse etc
  • Consider using a new account so you can revert easier

Learning to re-appreciate early game is an art but the dopamine rush of progression will keep you hooked!

So there it is – everything you need to delete GTA Online progress and kickstart an epic rise from rags to riches again! Reset at your own risk – but for many weary billionaires, going back to basics makes Los Santos feel new again!

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