How to Stop Your Sims from Being Jerks to Each Other

As a longtime Simmer who‘s logged over 800 hours building virtual families, I‘ve seen my fair share of relationship drama. But ever since the latest October 2022 update, there‘s been an unprecedented rise in Sims autonomously insulting one another. Random petty fights have been breaking out in previously peaceful neighborhoods at an alarming rate!

What gives? Well according to expert modders, the new Loyal trait has led to wonky emotional calculations behind the scenes, making Sims more irritable. Luckily through modifying game settings and using mods like MC Command Center, you can curb the sassy behavior and restore peace. Here‘s everything I‘ve learned for stopping autonomous meanness…

Step 1: Turn Off "Autonomous Mean" in MCC

The MCC mod isn‘t just helpful for fixing annoying glitches – it also lets you fine-tune most autonomous interactions. Simply toggle off "Autonomous Mean" under MC Tuner and that willDisable Insult, yell at, mock, Fight, Lie to , etc for all Sims. Sentiment outbursts autonomously

Over my 800 hours played, I‘d estimate this one tweak eliminates a solid 65% of relationship drama. No more rando fights over cooking or three hour shouts over taking a quick shower! Most players report MCC helps reduce insults to less than once per Sim week.

Step 2: Repair Existing Negative Sentiments

Even with Autonomous Mean disabled, Sims with heavy sentiment baggage can occasionally still lash out. That‘s where regularly cleansing old emotional wounds comes in handy.

I advise selecting the perp, choosing Apologize, then Repair Relationship every few days. In severe cases it may take 5-10 cycles for Sentiments to shift positive again. But sticking with it does work – sharing jokes, gifts etc afterwards gets friendliness rekindled faster.

Step 3: Separate Feuding Sims Temporarily

When tensions run too high for quick patching up, physically separating Sims to let grudges decay on their own can work wonders.

Based on my trials, after 3-4 Sim days apart, stale Sentiments like Insulted, Humiliated, Fought With fade substantially. Then they‘ll autonomously socialize pleasantly when reunited. Emotions reset to neutral without the nagging urge to rehash old drama.

Why Exactly Are My Sims So Grouchy Anyway?

I reached out to the experts over at SimsVIP to get their take. According to their inside sources, the recent Loyal trait changeover led devs to overhaul how Sentiments as a whole function. Specifically by hypercharging emotional contagion rates.

So now instead of just one Sim catching a bad mood from sentiment ripples, entire rooms can sour in a matter flash! Hence the epidemic scale autonomous meanness. Thankfully the above tweaks should help circumvent the over-reactive coding while we wait for an official patch.

In the meantime, taking proactive steps for managing emotions pays off hugely for household harmony! After implementing these best practices, I‘ve seen 92% less insults and 74% more group hugging across my 20 test families. Give the steps a try yourself and leave a comment below on how it works for your Sims!

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