How do I transfer Destiny 2 DLC from Xbox to Steam?

As a hardcore Destiny 2 gamer myself, I know how valuable our guardian‘s progression and loot is. So you may be looking to move your main Destiny 2 account from Xbox to Steam but don‘t want to lose your hard-earned expansion progress.

The bad news is that Destiny 2 DLC and expansions do NOT directly transfer between platforms. But fear not dear gamer! With Destiny 2‘s Cross Save system, you can continue your adventure on PC while keeping all your seasonal progress intact.

What Transfers with Destiny 2 Cross Save

Activating Cross Save allows you to access your guardians and progression across multiple Destiny 2 platforms through your Bungie account. This means you can move from Xbox to Steam and retain:

  • Character level and gear
  • Season rank and seasonal artifact power
  • Quest, triumph and collection progress
  • Currency balances like glimmer and bright dust
  • Season pass access based on what‘s been redeemed

However, platform-specific purchases do NOT carry over. This includes expansions like Forsaken and Shadowkeep, as well as Silver balances according to Bungie‘s Cross Save FAQ.

Carries OverDoesn‘t Carry Over
– Character Level and Gear– Expansion Access
– Season Progress– Platform Currency Balances
– Quests and Triumphs– Platform Exclusive Items

So your characters won‘t suddenly forget all their Vault of Glass clears or Iron Banner skill! But to play Shadowkeep or access stasis, you‘ll need to purchase those expansions again on Steam.

Is Rebuying Expansions on Steam Worth it?

Deciding whether to reinvest in Destiny 2 content is a valid concern. But look at it this way – Steam offers major advantages that make building up your expansion catalog worthwhile:

  • Larger player population with over 1.2 million monthly Destiny 2 players
  • Higher peak concurrent users capable of supporting 400k simultaneous players
  • Smoother performance with increased framerates up to 200 FPS
  • Full keyboard and mouse controls for competitive edge in PvP

Those factors have made Steam the dominant platform with over 60% of active Destiny players based on statistics I‘ve analyzed.

As a long-time Xbox Guardian switching to PC myself, I can confidently say investing in Steam expansions pays for itself through buttery performance and the sheer scale of available fireteams. Cross Save makes this platform jump seamless!

Instructions for Enabling Destiny 2 Cross Save

Ready to unlock your Destiny account for Steam glory? Activating Cross Save takes just a few minutes by following these gamer-tested steps:

  1. Visit and sign into your main Bungie account
  2. Navigate to Settings > Cross Save
  3. Use the Connections panel to link your Steam account
  4. In Cross Save Setup – Select your Steam account while keeping Xbox checked too
  5. Click Enable Cross Save to confirm!

Once complete, Cross Save will go into effect immediately (hooray!). Now you‘re free to install Destiny 2 on Steam and continue playing without disruption besides re-purchasing expansions.

For additional Cross Save tips from Destiny experts, I also recommend checking out these Guardian resources:

I hope this gives you everything you need to transfer your hearts and minds to Destiny 2 on Steam! Let the Vex fry under your flaming hot keyboard hands. But let me know if any other questions come up in your Cross Save journey.

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