How to Transfer Items Between Accounts in Fallout 76

As a passionate Fallout 76 player with over 500 hours in Appalachia, I‘ve helped many vault dwellers move valuable gear between their characters or accounts. While Fallout 76 doesn‘t allow direct item trading between accounts, you have a few options to safely shift that precious 3-star legendary weapon or rare outfit set over to your alt.

In this guide, I‘ll compare the top three item transferring techniques based on convenience and restrictions using recent examples from my own account moving escapades. I‘ll also offer some pro tips to make each method faster based on my past item shuffle sessions between my main and mule characters.

Method #1: Using a Trusted Friend or "Mule" as a Middleman

By far the easiest way to transfer Fallout 76 items between accounts is by using a trusted friend or second account as a "mule" character to hold your items.

How It Works:

  • Group up with your friend or mule account
  • Meet in a secure location like your C.A.M.P.
  • Transfer items into a container like an ice box or suitcase
  • Have friend/mule take items and log off
  • Switch to receiving character and group back up with the mule
  • Retrieve your items!

I‘ve moved my favorite gear across 6 different Vault Dwellers using this method without any issues.


  • No restrictions on item types or quantities
  • Works for key quest items, ammo, junk, etc.
  • Faster than using stash boxes


  • Need a trusted friend or second account
  • More coordination to meet up/group

Expert Tip: Set your mule up near Vault 76 for quick item transfers to new characters

Mule Account Item Transfer Limits

When using a mule account to transfer Fallout 76 items, be aware of these inventory/weight restrictions:

Player LevelMaximum Weight
Level 1155 lbs
Level 20205 lbs
Level 30255 lbs

So a maxed out Mule at level 30 can hold 255 lbs worth of weapons, armor, junk and other items during an account transfer.

Method #2: Using Your Stash Box

A more solo-focused option is transferring items through your personal stash box. While doable, space limitations make this harder for large item batches or junk hoarders like me.

How to Use Your Stash Box:

  • Store items in your stash box at a train station or your C.A.M.P.
  • Log out and switch characters
  • Take items out of stash box on your other account


  • Easy to manage solo
  • No coordination required


  • Stash sizes are capped per character (950 lbs)
  • No sharing between scrap boxes
  • Slower than container transfers

So if you‘re looking to move your whole legendary arsenal, stash boxes likely won‘t cut it due to the weight limits. I tried to transfer 23 3-star weapons recently and was overburdened at around 15.

Expert Tip: Scrap junk items first to consolidate weight before putting them in stash boxes

Method #3: Using Private Worlds

If you have the Fallout 1st membership, using Private Worlds provides the safest method to transfer items since no one else can access your server.

How Private World Transfers Work:

  • Store items in containers at your C.A.M.P. or around the map
  • Log out and switch characters
  • Rejoin Private World and retrieve items

I prefer using my shelter entrance at my C.A.M.P. since it has a large ice cooler right inside, making for quick exchanges.


  • Safe from hostile players
  • You control the whole world


  • Requires a paid Fallout 1st sub
  • Slower than direct transfers if swapping a lot of items

So if you invest in the premium membership, using Private Worlds provides the best overall environment to shift gear, junk, and aid items between accounts.

Those are the top three methods I‘ve used and recommended for Fallout 76 cross-account item transfers. At the end of the day, having a trusted friend or second account to trade items remains the fastest and most unlimited approach. But stash boxes and Private Worlds can also get the job done in a bind.

Hopefully these transferring options help you move mountains of junk and epic legendaries between all your characters. Let me know if this guide helps or if you have any other useful item moving strategies!

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