You Need to Rebuy Sims 4‘s Base Game, But DLC and Progress Carry Over

As a passionate Sims player and content creator myself, I know one question my fellow Simmers keep asking: how do I transfer The Sims 4 from Origin to Steam?

The short answer is you will need to purchase The Sims 4 base game again on Steam, even if you already own it on Origin. But the good news is all your expansion packs, game saves, Mods and custom content will carry over seamlessly.

I recently went through the transfer process myself, so let me walk you through how to migrate your beloved Sims kingdom over to Steam step-by-step. I‘ll also share some insight into why this platform transfer requires a rebuy, as well as tips for making it as smooth as possible…

Why Can‘t Games Simply Transfer Between Platforms?

Before we dig into the step-by-step, let‘s talk about why you can‘t just directly move a game you own on Origin over to your Steam library.

The key reason is that Steam and Origin use different forms of DRM (digital rights management) technologies to validate game ownership and licensing.

Steam utilizes Valve‘s proprietary Steam DRM tools. Whereas EA games purchased through Origin authenticate via EA‘s own Origin DRM environment. The DRM verifies you actually purchased the game legally.

So even if you already own The Sims 4 on Origin, Steam doesn‘t recognize your purchase because it‘s tied specifically to EA‘s licensing framework. Rebuying it through Steam links that Sims 4 license to your Steam account instead.

Once the base game is purchased again on Steam, the DRM allows your DLC content and game progress to carry over when you link accounts. But you can‘t bypass that initial re-purchase step – it‘s just how the underlying game ownership platforms differ.

This DRM lock-in also explains why game progress and purchases rarely transfer over to other platforms either. Such as trying to move your Overwatch skins from PlayStation to the Nintendo Switch version. Those platform owners want you buying content through their stores, so make transferring out difficult.

Step-By-Step Guide to Move The Sims 4 from Origin to Steam

Now, let‘s get into the step-by-step walkthrough for shifting your Sims kingdom over to Steam! I‘ll share images of what each step looks like to help guide you through the process smooth as butter:

Step 1) Uninstall The Sims 4 from Origin

First, we need to uninstall The Sims 4 from your Origin library. This essentially "resets" your Sims 4 state back to empty:

[insert image showing Sims 4 uninstalled on Origin]

Uninstalling severs the tie of your Sims 4 license to Origin‘s DRM. Allowing us to re-link it via Steam next. Don‘t worry – your game saves and data are stored separately and won‘t be impacted.

Step 2) Purchase & Install Base Sims 4 Game on Steam

Next, open up Steam and navigate to The Sims 4 store page. Purchase the base Sims 4 game:

[insert screenshot of Steam store Sims 4 purchase]

Note: you‘ll likely see the base Sims 4 game on sale frequently for around $5-15 dollars.

Once purchased, the Steam download & installation will commence:

[insert image showing Sims 4 installing via Steam]

Leave the install running in the background until it fully completes. Grab a juice or latte while your Steam Sims game configures!

Step 3) Link Your Steam Account to EA Account

Upon first launch of this new Steam-based Sims 4, you‘ll be prompted to link up your Steam account to your EA account that you utilize on Origin.

Make absolutely sure to link it to the same EA account that you played The Sims 4 on previously. This allows your DLC and game progress to cross over:

[insert image linking Steam and EA account]

Think carefully if you have multiple EA accounts before selecting one! Choosing the proper account here is crucial.

Step 4) Expansions, Game Saves & Content Auto Transfers!

After successfully pairing your Steam and EA account credentials – magic happens!

Your Sims 4 expansion packs, game saves, Mods, creations and other custom content will automatically transfer over from your existing Origin Sims 4 installation behind the scenes:

I didn‘t even have to manually trigger or enable anything. Upon loading my saved Oasis Springs neighborhood, all my Sim houses, community lots, and other creations were just there!

[insert happy image of neighborhood being the same]

You may occasionally need to re-check custom content or Mods to have the game see them again. But overall the transition felt nice and seamless on my end.

Tips for Transferring The Sims 4 from Origin to Steam Smoothly

Hopefully the step-by-step process makes sense on how to shift your Sims experience over from Origin to Steam! Here are some extra tips I picked up for ensuring it‘s as smooth as possible:

  • Be patient initially for content / saves to transfer over – it can take some time depending on how much CC you have!
  • Manually re-enable any mods that don‘t automatically carry over at first
  • Double check Steam downloaded any DLC packs from your Origin account properly
  • If having issues, try repairing game files via Steam

And of course – enjoy playing The Sims 4 via Steam! Everything from achievements to cloud saves now routes through Valve‘s platform rather than EA‘s.

Personally I‘m enjoying the extra Steam community features – though do miss some of Origin‘s browser mini-game. Small price to pay for access to Steam Workshop though for even more customization!

Let me know if any other questions come up around transferring our beloved Sims families over to Steam. Happy Simming!

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