How do I turn off last seen on my team?

As a hardcore gamer, having an "Appear Offline" mode is crucial for uninterrupted gaming sessions. I often get party invites and messages while deep into intense multiplayer matches. With Microsoft Teams integrated across Xbox and Windows platforms, here‘s how to disable your "last seen" status so friends won‘t know when you‘re online.

Fully Disable Presence in Teams

The easiest way is to toggle your presence visibility setting to "Off":

  1. Click your profile picture and go to Settings
  2. Select the Privacy tab
  3. Turn "Show my presence to others" to Off

This prevents anyone from seeing your last seen or online status. You‘ll always show as offline across Teams on Xbox, mobile, and desktop apps.

  • Pros: Complete privacy, zero disturbances
  • Cons: Friends can‘t see when you‘re online to play together


  • People in the same organization may still see presence through Skype
  • Your status can reveal idle time after 5 minutes by default
  • Limits collaboration opportunities

Use judiciously if you value gaming without interruptions.

Appear Offline to Some, Online to Others

For more selectivity over who sees your gaming status:

  1. Click your profile picture
  2. Hover over your current availability
  3. Choose "Show as offline" or "Reset status"

This lets certain friends see when you‘re online while appearing offline to others.

To configure:

  1. Go to Settings > Privacy
  2. Under "Meeting invitations", choose who can see your status
  • Allowed contacts = Appear online only to close gaming friends
  • My organization = Visible to coworkers but not external contacts
  • Everyone = No privacy, you show as online to all


  • Status control less granular than full privacy mode
  • Gaming friends may still disrupt match with invites
  • Organizational users unaffected by toggle

Use when balancing gaming time with availability for certain friends/coworkers.

Pro Gamers Recommend Caffeine

Many competitive gamers use an app called Caffeine to keep Teams permanently green. It prevents idle status by simulating keyboard/mouse inputs.

  • Fools Teams into thinking you‘re active
  • Simple click to activate with system tray icon
  • Completely free for Windows 10/11

This ensures you seem "Available" even during long gaming sessions while away or inactive. Friends see you as perpetually online and ready to play.

  • Pros: Always appear active to all, zero disruption
  • Cons: Extreme privacy risks (no selectiveness)

I‘d only recommend Caffeine if gaming without any disturbances is critical. The loss of status privacy may be too high a cost otherwise.

Final Thoughts

  • Disable last seen completely for uninterrupted solo gaming
  • Toggle appear offline for more control over availability
  • Use Caffeine as a nuclear option if 100% avoidance of disruptions is needed

I hope these tips help you control your status visibility in Teams for maximum gaming productivity! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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