How to Turn on NSFW Mode in AI Dungeon

As a long-time player and fan of AI Dungeon, the text adventure game that uses AI to generate personalized fantasy stories, I often get questions about how to access more mature roleplaying content. Recently, there has been confusion around AI Dungeon‘s NSFW mode after policy changes by Latitude, the company behind the game.

In this in-depth guide, I‘ll cover everything you need to know about turning on and using NSFW mode in AI Dungeon:

What is NSFW Mode in AI Dungeon?

The NSFW or "not safe for work" setting in AI Dungeon allows the game‘s AI models to generate explicit content in response to player inputs. With NSFW mode off, the AI will avoid creating overly mature content.

According to Latitude, the #nsfw tag is automatically added to:

  • All adventures/scenarios with NSFW mode enabled
  • Some adventures with sensitive content words even if NSFW is off

So toggling this setting on gives the AI more freedom to create adult-themed stories while avoiding dangerous or unethical content.

Step-By-Step Guide to Enabling NSFW Content

Turning on NSFW mode in AI Dungeon only takes a few clicks:

  1. Open the AI Dungeon app or website and start a new or existing adventure
  2. Click on the settings icon in the top right corner
  3. Find the "Content Filters" section and toggle the NSFW switch to "On"
    NSFW toggle on example
  4. Click "Save Changes" at the bottom
  5. The #nsfw tag will now be added to your adventure!

And that‘s it! The AI assistant will now feel free to generate more provocative content aligned to your adventure inputs and chosen genres.

Usage Statistics on NSFW Content

According to Latitude data, over 30% of adventures played on AI Dungeon are classified as containing NSFW content thanks to tags, generation, or player inputs:

Total Adventures Played Daily~1.8 million
Have NSFW Tag31%

So clearly there is significant demand among players for fantasy roleplaying adventures that explore more adult themes and scenarios! The mature tagging system helps users control the experience.

AI Limitations in Generating Explicit Content

However, it‘s important to understand the AI has significant limitations, especially relating to illegal content:

  • The AI cannot access real-world knowledge and learns only from text datasets
  • There are filters that block dangerous outputs related to minors
  • Generated text is just creative fiction writing, not endorsed actions
  • Player inputs are private and cannot be viewed even by Latitude

Essentially the AI has no concept of ethics or consequences. It tries to respond to adventure prompts appropriately through machine learning correlations but cannot guarantee safety or legal compliance in outputs. So accountability lies fully with the human player.

Having said that, AI Dungeon also gives authors new tools for exploring fantastical scenarios limited only by imagination and ethics rather than physics or budgets!

Comparisons to AI-Assisted Game Policies

Other AI writing platforms have taken different approaches regarding mature content:

  • NovelAI: Allows NSFW content but prohibits illegal content more strictly
  • Holocure: Does not allow adult content, focused on all-ages community
  • Permits general NSFW chat but prohibits sexual roleplay dialog

The policies tend to align to the service‘s target user base. But Latitude has clearly embraced a more open creative freedom model in AI Dungeon while investing heavily in content filtering technology.

The Future of AI and Content Moderation

Managing content policy issues in systems that allow imaginative fictional writing is an immense technological challenge. But Latitude believes its state-of-the-art filters enable maximum creative freedom while protecting real people.

And technology will only improve to empower more accessible, ethical AI systems for entertainment and creativity! I‘m excited to see how machine learning models like those used in AI Dungeon can someday allow anyone to safely explore new worlds of fantasy fiction!

So I hope this guide gives you clarity on how players can enable NSFW content as well as the responsibilities around generative AI. Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions!

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