How do kitsune get 9 tails?

In Japanese folklore, kitsune are mythical fox spirits that are known for growing up to nine tails over their lifespan. Kitsune start out with only one tail, but they progressively gain more tails as they age, accumulate life experience, and gain wisdom over hundreds of years of life.

A kitsune grows a new tail approximately every 100 years until they finally reach nine tails – this number of nine tails is significant in the lore as it relates to the kitsune‘s magical powers and influence.

Why do kitsune have multiple tails?

The number of tails a kitsune has is said to represent their age, power, and wisdom. More specifically:

  • 1 tail – a young kit who has lived less than 100 years
  • 5 tails – an elder kitsune who has attained great magical abilities
  • 9 tails – the oldest, wisest, and most powerful of kitsune

So in essence, the more tails a kitsune gains over time, the older, wiser, and more formidable the spirit becomes. This reflects the value placed in Japanese culture on wisdom that comes with age and life experience.

How a new tail manifests

There are a few beliefs around how kitsune gain a new tail each century:

  • The most common belief is that they automatically sprout a new tail when they reach set age milestones every 100 years. For example, on a kit‘s 100th birthday, they would sprout a second tail as they enter their second century of life.
  • Some lore states that new tails manifest as kitsune build wisdom – a tail materializes when a kitsune has accumulated enough life experience and spiritual insight.
  • Legends suggest kitsune can expedite tail growth by performing good deeds, demonstrating compassion, getting rid of evil spirits, and assisting others in their community.

So tails seem to sprout through different means, but reach the same outcome of indicating a kitsune‘s venerability.

Nine Tails = Peak Power

In kitsune legend, the most powerful and highly respected kitsune are those who have lived over 1,000 years and gained nine tails. These elder kitsune have reached an apex of magical ability from their vast lifespan experience.

The rare nine tailed kitsune have transcendent wisdom and command awe-inspiring abilities like:

  • Shapeshifting
  • Controlling elemental forces like lightning, fire, and wind
  • Projecting illusions
  • Manipulating dreams & consciousness
  • Possession
  • Invisibility
  • Causing supernatural favors or disasters

Because of their supreme magical influence over people, nature, and spirits, the nine-tailed kitsune is treated with great reverence, like a deity in Japanese tradition. Shrines and temples are devoted exclusively to the most powerful multi-tailed fox spirits.

So in summary, kitsune tails signify the spiritual growth and magical might a kitsune builds up over successive centuries of roaming the mortal and celestial realms. A nine-tailed kitsune represents the pinnacle of mystical power according to Japanese lore.

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