How Do Kroger Digital Coupons Work in 2024 (Full Guide)

Kroger digital coupons provide a convenient way for shoppers to save money on groceries. With some simple steps, you can access a world of savings directly on your Kroger Plus Card. This comprehensive guide explains everything you need to know to maximize digital coupon savings at Kroger in 2024.

Step-By-Step Guide to Sign Up for Kroger Digital Coupons

Signing up for Kroger digital coupons takes just a few minutes. Follow these simple instructions:

  1. Visit or open the Kroger app and click "Register"
  2. Enter your email address and create a password
  3. Provide any requested profile information
  4. Once registered, sign in to your account
  5. Under "My Account," select "Digital Savings"
  6. Click "Link Shopper‘s Card" and enter your Kroger Plus Card number
  7. Confirm the card number to connect your digital coupons

You should now see a "Digital Coupons" section available in your account.

Kroger Signup Example
Example of Linking Kroger Plus Card to Digital Coupons Account

Now that you‘ve signed up, let‘s look at how to find and use Kroger digital coupons…

Finding the Best Digital Coupon Deals

The key to savings is loading the right coupons to your Plus Card before shopping. Here are some tips:

Browse by Relevance

Kroger automatically displays coupons based on your previous purchases. So relevance should show deals on your favorite items.

Filter Coupons by Category

Manually select categories to find deals in certain grocery departments – dairy, frozen foods, snacks, etc.

Sort by Highest Discount Value

Save the most by filtering specifically for highest value coupons up to $5 or more off each.

Pay Attention to Expiration Dates

Kroger digital coupons generally expire in 30-60 days. Sort by "Expiring Soon" to use coupons in time…

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Digital Coupons

Once you‘ve picked the best digital coupons, it only takes seconds to load them for use:

  1. Check the box next to coupons to activate
  2. Click the "Load to Card" button at the top
  3. Open the "My Coupons" page and confirm selected coupons now show as "Loaded"

Now when you shop with your linked Plus Card, discounts will automatically apply for any loaded coupon items. Simple!

Maximizing Kroger Digital Coupon Savings

Based on historical data, Kroger reports the average shopper saves $122 per year with digital coupons. But you can save much more by following these advanced tips:

  • Load up to 150 coupons to maximize variety and savings
  • Stack digital and paper coupons from Sunday inserts whenever possible
  • Refer friends to sign up for Kroger accounts under your household – all linked accounts share access to coupons

According to a recent 2023 survey, 96% of Kroger digital coupon users report high satisfaction with the discount value achieved…

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