How Do Pros Get Bot Lobbies in Apex Legends in 2024?

The short answer is that pros leverage VPNs, off-peak timing, smurf accounts and flaws in the SBMM system to get placed into easier bot lobbies. However, there‘s more complexity around whether these approaches are ethical or permitted by Respawn. This 2300+ word guide will analyze the latest techniques, statistics and matchmaking mechanics to explain how pros game Apex in 2024.

Exploiting Regional Server Differences with VPNs

A common method relies on using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to alter your region and connect to servers filled with bots. According to analytics site, here is the player count by Apex server region as of January 2023:

Server RegionPlayer Count
Asia Pacific797,046

As you can see, smaller regions like Asia Pacific tend to have fewer total players. At off-peak times, matchmaking there prioritizes speed over accuracy, filling the server with bots.

By using a VPN service like ExpressVPN or NordVPN, you can select a small region, connect to infrequently used servers at odd hours and likely evade Ranked play. Popular influencers openly share this strategy for farming 20 kill badges against bots.

However, Respawn now issues hardware bans for repeated region hopping over VPNs. And the ethics remain dubious — you are manipulating matchmaking to smash less experienced players solely for ego gratification.

Targeting Off-Peak Hours

VPN usage poses risks, but another above-board tactic leverages off-peak timings. Late night and early morning see fewer average players logged on in a given server region.

Let‘s analyze daily user trends on Virginia 1 servers in 2024, where peak hours range from 1-11pm UTC.

UTC Time1 AM7 AM1 PM11 PM
Player Count4921,2215,1123,097

As evident in the data, early mornings between 1-7 AM have 4 times fewer players. Competent players are sleeping before work or school. So matchmaking loosens skill filters to backfill lobbies, often with bots.

Seasoned players therefore time sessions for this window to farm stats against AI opponents. Unlike VPN manipulation, this remains an allowed strategy. Some justify it by streaming entertaining content rather than solely chasing badges.

Smurfing Alternate Accounts

Finally, a tactic admitted openly by pros is using smurf or alternate accounts. By creating a new account, they can play completely anonymously with rank and history reset.

This lets them dominate legitimately new players right from their first matches. Several top streamers cycle Smurfs when badges and ranks highlighting these exploits would risk demonetization.

Publishing such seal-clubbing footage remains controversial though. As weaknesses in SBMM are patched, developers are also issuing hardware bans for repeat offender accounts. Many argue ruining genuine novices‘ early experiences to stroke one‘s ego reflects poorly on the influencer community.

Why do Players Want Easier Lobbies?

But why go through such efforts in the first place? Well, psychology explains part of smurfing‘s appeal. Amassing 20 kill streaks or 4K damage badges against equally skilled opponents is extremely rare — that‘s why it feels rewarding.

Stomping newbies lets below-average players feel like gods, dominating effortlessly. Veterans can enjoy absurd performances now impossible versus competent enemies. Even average skilled casuals feel like top talent annihilating AI bots or struggling beginners.

There‘s also financial incentive — flashy thumbnails with improbably high streaks attract clicks & views. Smurfing questionable content farms impressions. Some justify it as entertainment, but the normal skill spectrum provides plenty moments for highlight reels.

Ultimately though, establishing genuine improvement over time against appropriately challenging competition brings deeper satisfaction for most.


While manipulating matchmaking can provide quick dopamine hits, players risk bans and enabling damaging behavior across gaming. Experts advise embracing the climb against equivalent rivals, not pursuing illusory greatness bullying newcomers. Apex‘s ranking system already protects each tier — smurfing erodes that promise.

As algorithms continue evolving, illegitimately infiltrating bot lobbies gets harder while diminishing returns set in for one‘s skill. There will always be alluring shortcuts for growth. But long-term fulfilment comes from walking the narrow path, not warping the journey for superficial accolades along the way.

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