How to Activate the Deep Dark Portal in Minecraft

The Deep Dark portal is a mysterious structure found in Ancient Cities within the Deep Dark biome underground. Activating this portal is no simple task. Based on available information from the Minecraft community, here‘s what we know:


  • The Deep Dark portal cannot be activated in survival mode as of Minecraft 1.19.2.
  • To activate it would likely require a special item dropped by defeating the Warden boss mob.
  • The portal may allow fast travel to the Deep Dark dimension or serve an unknown purpose in a future Minecraft update.

Reaching the Ancient City and Deep Dark Portal

To find an Ancient City and its Deep Dark portal, you‘ll need to brave the dangerous Deep Dark biome first:

  • Dig down to layer -54 and below where total darkness sets in.
  • Explore underground, listening for skulk sensor vibrations indicating a nearby Ancient City.
  • Bring weapons, armor, and healing items to defend against the Warden.
  • Place wool blocks to dampen vibrations and prevent summoning the Warden accidentally.
  • Find the Ancient City‘s central structure and locate the Deep Dark portal within.

Activating the Portal

As of Minecraft 1.19.2, the Deep Dark portal block serves a decorative purpose and cannot be activated. But that could change in a future update:

  • Speculation suggests defeating the Warden could drop a special item used to light or trigger the portal.
  • The portal may then open access to an undiscovered Deep Dark dimension.
  • Until new content is added, the portal remains inactive and lacks a definitive purpose.

In summary, the Deep Dark portal offers intriguing mysteries still to be unlocked in future Minecraft updates! Reaching this eldritch gateway requires great skill and bravery at present, but the rewards may prove worthwhile later. I look forward to seeing where Mojang takes this unique portal in the days ahead!

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