How to Adopt Lucia – An Expert Guide for Skyrim Players

So you wish to expand your family by adopting one of the many orphan children wandering Skyrim? Look no further than Lucia, an endearing Imperial girl begging on the streets of Whiterun. As a seasoned Skyrim player, I‘m happy to provide this comprehensive guide on how to add Lucia to your in-game family.

Who is Lucia?

Lucia is a young orphan girl estimated to be around 8-10 years old. With patched, dirty clothes and a forlorn expression, she can be found wandering the streets of Whiterun begging passersby for gold coins so she can buy food and survive another day.

Despite her circumstances, Lucia maintains a sweet and kind personality. Her very caring nature seems contradictory to her vagabond status. This has made Lucia a popular adoptee for many Skyrim players seeking to provide shelter and family for the friendly orphan child.

Prerequisites to Adopt Children

Before adopting Lucia or any other child, you must meet a few standard prerequisites in Skyrim:

  • Own one of the eligible homes with a child‘s bedroom
    • Requires Hearthfire DLC
    • Bedroom needs child‘s bed, chest, decorations
  • Complete Innocence Lost Dark Brotherhood quest
    • Unlocks actual adoption dialogue/mechanic

I recommend becoming Thane of your chosen home territory so you can purchase property deeds quickly.

Here‘s a checklist of must-have items before starting the adoption process:

– [ ] Hearthfire DLC installed– [ ] Child‘s bed
– [ ] House with children‘s bedroom– [ ] Child‘s chest
– [ ] Completed Innocence Lost quest– [ ] Child‘s furnishings/decorations

Where to Find Lucia

Lucia wanders the streets of Whiterun, usually around the Plains or Wind districts during the day, asking strangers for any spare gold coins they might have.

She often sleeps outside at night – a sad existence for a little girl. If Lucia has disappeared for the day, waiting or sleeping will make her respawn back in Whiterun ready for adoption.

Step By Step Guide to Adopt Lucia

Follow these steps to successfully add Lucia to your family:

1. Introduce Yourself

Approach Lucia as she wanders Whiterun and strike up a conversation. Take the dialogue option that gives her a single septim gold coin. This kind act will make her open up about her struggling homeless life but retain a sweetly optimistic attitude – increasing her likability.

2. Tell Her You Have Room for Adoption

After giving Lucia a coin, a new special dialogue option appears asking her if she‘d like you to adopt her.

Say yes, and she will be utterly surprised and overjoyed at the chance to have a new family and home!

Note: If the adoption dialogue never appears, it likely means you haven‘t built the mandatory children‘s bedroom yet for adoption.

3. Lucia Moves In

Once agreed, Lucia will automatically choose to move in to whichever eligible house has been designated as your primary residence.

She will travel there safely on her own. You can visit whenever and usually find her roaming around, interacting with furnishings, or, if there‘s another child, playing tag and pretend games!

Additional Tips for Adopting Lucia

Here are some other things to know about adoption in Skyrim that apply to Lucia or any other child you take in:

You Don‘t Have to Get Married

  • Unmarried and single characters can still adopt up to two children! No needing to tie the knot in Skyrim to start a family.

You Can Adopt Up to Two Children

  • While over a dozen adoptable kids appear across Skyrim, you can only take in up to two at at time. So choose wisely!

Children Can Move to Any Home

  • After adopting Lucia, you still have flexibility to relocate your family from any Hearthfire house to another through your housecarl. Lucia will automove and feel right at home.

Gift Giving

  • Show your adopted children affection by giving gifts! Sweet Lucia enjoys new clothes, dolls, daggers or wooden swords to play with.

Adopted Kids Interact

  • If you adopt Lucia plus another child, they will socialize through animated conversations, play tag or hide and seek, and even get into arguments!

Pet Adoption

  • In Hearthfire homes, adopted children may ask to keep any stray dogs you bring home as pets! Spoil Lucia even more with her own furry companion.

Now that you know how, where, when and why go through the steps to adopt Lucia, enjoy having a new grateful daughter! She deserves a caring family and safe home after enduring such a tragic early childhood – make her a happy kid!

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